PROJECTS - Ideas for the Future

Even so, the Greyness sometimes lingers. Clearing does not always sort iSpot

I have - 2x since @DejayM told me how to do it a few days ago

Yours with arrows: page 3 of global community.

What DejayM says above and your situation is frustrating!!! I am not a happy chappy!!

Isn’t this Global Filter (of yours) collecting other Community ones as well - isn’t that the issue? A Community is one of five, Chile, Hong Kong, Southern Africa, United Kingdom&Eire and Global. Surely Global should EXCLUDE the others OR be all-inclusive. Preferably not the latter which should have the designation ALL COMMUNITIES.
If I am half right then the screen-shot is the third page of a mix of communities, not just the ‘pure’ Global. This would explain why Jo’s Obs are on page three, maybe four tomorrow.

I think certainly when we look at global observations we may see different things, depending on where we are located. This is my ‘Global View’ (ignore LHS - I work with 2 screens)

Page Three Girl
That’s the same as mine. My real thumb and Alder tongue is there staring at you - in pink and red. And the Big Daisy is near St Lowrie’s Pass Stellenbosch (wish I was there!)
We can change communities, we can filter Obs, as you have done and I can see from your address bar that you are in Global. But my observation IS in the UK Community, the Daisy in ZA
This means that Global is just that, anything anywhere.
So this is a Bad Code Error, not collecting Global only which is why yours are well down Page three - Page 4 by now!
But, to be honest we have known this for sometime and it is on Tony’s Bug list - I think.

No: we see the exact same: go to page 4 please: (it was page 3 - but new observations have now been added and they have moved along).

Well now we have a philosophical issue:

Is Global = the entire earth
iS “Global” = everywhere else on earth

The logical is the former, But the way it is presented in the community dropdown tabs it can rightly be considered the latter:
i.e. For what it is the list should read:

. Chile
. Hong Kong
. southern Africa
. UK and the rest of Ireland

but if you put the list like it is, so, then surely it should read:

. Chile
. rest of the world
. Hong Kong
. southern Africa
. UK and the rest of Ireland

This is partly what frustrates me so much about iSpot: it just does not make any sense to the outsider - and even to the regular user: so many pages and links are just stupid! The site developers dont care about what the user expects or wants and so do strange and illogical things (I suspect to cut down on page calls).
(e.g. in Gallery View: what should happen if you do a mouse-wheel-click (or a central button click)? What would you expect? Now try it!)

Yes, your list and logic is fine No point in trying to convince me though.
Of course Global is everywhere. But if I want to post from or in anywhere but the four named Communities I need a Rest of The World (RotWo) community. Once Autralasia, Arctic Circle, Antarctic or Russia become communities, they will be excluded from the RotWo Community. Jo is posting from an area which is not an iSpot Community - that area needs to be embraced by a Community name at least. The Community ‘Global’ is everywhere (inclusive) but that was not the original intention here I guess (before my time!)


(Afrikaans for yesno)

The problem is that it is a lie!!

Try it!
go to global and filter
scientific name = Loxodonta africana
go the map tab:
and now see the Global Distribution of Elephants (using of course the CoL - if you are in the know), but if you are an ordinary user - then this is the Global data on iSpot:

But then go to southern Africa; and try again.

So, now? What is “Global”???

on iSpot Global = CoL dictionary - so it includes Chile and Hong Kong and excludes southern African and UK and the rest of Ireland.

No wonder that the Open University does not want the data to go to GBIF or NBN: it is rubbish - contradictory, unfathomable and illogical!!!

Oh: that is beautiful. Go and look at the African Elephant observations in the Cedarberg!!

I looked at all a’demtrunkies - (Creole for all those elephants) in the Test site which failed to display a single one in Global.
Global means different things at different times to iSpot. The Help with Global Observations carousel is an example
Oh, I see my African one there made less than yours above - some died?

And this
Is GLOBAL Nymphalidae
I simply changed trunkie for skoenlapper (not Creole) Another lie then
Don’t tell anyone else but there maybe some good news from the ‘team’ soon - nothing to do with the Fatal 500 error which has been fixed, hasn’t it?

I AM curious. Two less: one in Kruger and one in n KZN. Why?
What was your filter?

Alternative theory: they were changing the technology underlying the site. It’s quicker and cheaper to pick up a 3rd party forum that to implement one from scratch.

This doesn’t explain why the old forum contents weren’t migrated, however.

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Old forum

The old forums were simply Comments and replies - linked to a few “forum topics”.
How come they kept the comments and replies to

  1. observations
  2. projects
  3. news items
    but ditched
  4. forums

Seems daft to me. I simply think that they wanted a more social forum and did not bother to see how well the forums on iSpot were actually working: as references and lookup topics. And so we have this ridiculous forum that is so separated from iSpot that it is almost useless. For instance, how can I link to a forum page showing users how to make an ID from iSpot? or how tags work?

With taxon scientific name: Loxodonta (only, so should have collected both)
With common name: Elephant.
Inconsequental as it was in the Approval site.
Do note the (Approval Site) Monarch Global which collected obs from ZA. Like I say, Global means different things at different times to iSpot

So the missing observations could be:

  • posted subsequently to the approval site
  • with common name Olifant or Jumbo or such

Note: we only have one species in southern Africa: so only one Loxodonta …

I do tend to agree that it was the wrong decision. They could have abstracted the concept of a comment chain (PHP, IIRC, has classes) and plugged it into the relevant bits of the site. They could even had provided access to comments on observations via the forum - as a relatively easy way for users to find discussions on observations.

Now that is a really useful idea.

The way I had envisaged perhaps doing it is having a comments tab on the observation filters. e.g.

for any filter item:

list / summary / gallery / map / comments / interactions

(I consider the current “List” as a summary, to me a list is a simple:
. thumbnail, title, date observed, user, Likely ID, group.)
Comments is merely all the comments on all the observations for the filtered list.
Interactions are all the observations (NB not species) linked to the filtered list via an interaction in the list.

I would also like each to be 100 observations long, and cross-correlated (i.e. if you move from gallery to comments, it is for the same 100 observations)
I would also like each to be reorderable by one of the order options.

Yes, I knew the d’forest trunkie was further north but look at this lie

This is in the Approval site, so maybe check in your own?
and also please consider this…