Southern African dictionary

I’m confused

why should Burkea africana be an old synonym of Burkea africana

That answer does not belong here. Go to your observation to see the answer.

Hopefully we will have CHANGES back within the not to long distant future.

A tree from Space

Yes, check the SatPic - the precise tree from space (probably)
The link in Tuli’s comment above - shows 4 visits (at the mo) I used it three, perhaps 5 times - ONLY my first visit counted. That used to be the case in Projects BC (Before Codetrash), I wonder if it is now

Is this the new Errors and corrections page? These are missing from the Othonna list

Othonna cylindrica (Lam.) DC. Bester, S.P. 7135 (PRE); Koekemoer, M. 2832 (PRE); Koekemoer, M. 3159 (PRE); Koekemoer, M. 3184 (PRE); Koekemoer, M. 3270 (PRE)

Othonna protecta Dinter Rubin, F. 15; Rubin, F. 32

Othonna rechingeri B.Nord. Koekemoer, M. 3212 (PRE)

Othonna sedifolia DC. Sachse, B. 544 (PRE)

Dont worry about plants: the SANBI team has them under control. The problem is simply that iSpot is using the Sept 2014 version of the list. We are now umpteem updates later …

A new Project - help needed to clear the cobwebs inside my head
Hopefully this will reach some of the experts involved - please advise if I’m wrong and the Project can be deleted - else let’s clear the whole misunderstanding by removing Agreeements

I do not think it worth provoking the fury of the ex Curator. Whilst he professes to have left iSpot, he definitely has NOT and so retains most of his privileges and much destructive power…

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I lost the last of my curatorial power and all my privaleges in September 2017, when SANBI pulled out of iSpot. I am now just a normal user like all of you.
From being supreme curator on where there was acually an option to delete all observations (which I never dared press), until Sept 2015 when I was no longer allowed to know the email addresses of members of iSpot southern Africa, or do or have privvy to all sorts of information. The June 2017 update eroded curation even more, to nothing more than giving badges and adding news items. Now I am a nobody.
But on iNaturalist, I am a curator: I am able to update the dictionary (add, swap, synonomize, add common names: HEAVEN!), regulate users, assess and process spam, content, and users - more useful things than I could do when I supreme mugwump of - and I am just a normal curator: I could make you a curator on iNat if I thought you deserved it or would be helpful: it takes 5 seconds!
So I am afraid, my destructive power is purely reputation and following. I am almost a nobody on this site - quite an insult really…