There is far too much wrong with iSpot at the mo to start a list of bugs. I may start a new thread
A solution to Changes might be here, bearing in mind what Amadan above about projects being potentiall useful. Each of us will have favourite groups to follow, if not genera or species. It is worth forming a project (MUCH easier now) to gather the latest posts that specially interest us, Also a temp measure is to Add particular posts to Favourites and visit them often. Unfortunately THAT wil produce a long list
I have this plea from ZA this morning "Please check. ??was unable to load more than a few observations." and
“Please play with uploading data.
Please note after how many observations/pictures the issue arises (if it does). Please try at different times.”. I wil ask the ZA Curator if WE can contribute to their Bug’s List. I’ll put a hot link here later.
Did you know we can EDIT comments here, did you know that in your Options (click your Logo top right and look for Preferences) you can set to receive Changes to your Forum input by email.
I think we might have to stick with being as constructive as we can be. ALL is not lost yet.
PS - below (Wildlife_Ranger)
Not your imagination and some are defocused too.These issues are small-fry compared to the burden of anger and utter disappointment that will be shown in the reduction of constructive comment in posts and the loss of patient ‘experts’ who are (currently) essential to the survival of this site.
I could not add a comment because of this! *You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 1 hour before trying again." I should shut UP!
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