I was going to add a photo of a chipping sparrow (in the USA) but it’s not listed in the Dictionary. I couldn’t find it under the genetic name either. http://www.wildlife-galleries.co.uk/galleries/picture.php?/6860/search/413
Spizella passerina is there waiting for you, Your gallery link above is a misspell
Thanks, Derek. I’m sure I searched for Spizella but perhaps I mistyped it. But I’ll also correct my website.
What date was the ispot UK dictionary update when it ‘rolled over’ to new names?
I am asking as * Picris echioides L. in Sp. Pl.: 792 (1753)
is now Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub
The current name is in the Global dictionary.
We haven’t been able to update the Global dictionary in ages - but we’re working on it. I think @miked has recently found the files we were sent, so he might know.
Hi Chris,
The Global dictionary has the correct name.
I was asking about the date of UK dictionary update.
We’re really hoping to have it in place by the middle of April.
We look forward to it, and thank you for all your work for ispot and for ispotters.
I had difficulty finding UK observations of Elder Whitewash (Hyphodontia sambuci) because they are listed as Crawen Ysgaw (Xylodon sambuci). It looks as though the dictionary update has changed the names into Welsh. See: Elder Whitewash | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature
Lledaenu defnydd o’r Gymraeg ?
Oh dear, we had noticed that when it was being tested but thought it had been fixed.
The Wikipedia link for Rosaceae (invertebrate) is about the skin condition. Rubus sp. Scotstown Moor | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature
That has been sorted out now with an updated ID but indeed the code looking for the taxon names could have unforseen consequences.
Not entirely unforseen, as many of us will have noted such mistakes before. Diseases seem particularly prone. Lupus for example. In fact we could start a collection of Confounding Names.
Thanks for getting back to me.
UK Dictionary issue - Porcelain fungus (Oudemansiella mucida) has become Cap Porslen (Mucidula mucida) eg Porcelain Mushrooms | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature
this is the Welsh language name. The UKS Index sometimes shows a few vernacular names. I suppose we would like the English one and I think this has been solved, as the previous Observation has the Welsh name
So you can see it is not a new occurrence and the name Mucidula mucida is obviously a synonym of Oudemansiella mucida though not all Authorities have caught up.
Interesting the NHM dictionary IS up tp date but the iSpot version is already behind (since Nov 2023).
We are already missing Chris Valentine who would run some code and update the dictionary.
A new person in ‘in place’ - I hope it won’t be long before the Dictionary catches up.
Once again the iSpot Dictionary drop-down features dead ends
These serious Dictionary anomalies are numerous. Many have been reported, nothing has been done. The reports are lost in numerous threads in the forums.
It needs a co-ordinated effort to find them, reporting to the NHM Index Curator and adding Suffices to our own Drop-down menu
If anyone from Admin comes here, please take a little tour upwards in this thread. Consider the effect these errors might have on visiting experienced users.
Moved to correct forum trail.
Just added an ant observation under Lasius, which is what I wanted. It’s likely to be L.niger and I noticed there are two entries for this here:
For such things there appears to be no appetite in Admin for listing, collating or fixing.
Nothing will be done. One of two tags Absent1 and Taxonomy1 are still worth adding (with a comment)
The fault is in here
one is a species aggregate (agg) the other is a species. get it?