Dictionary & Browser Issues

If the ID is already ‘Likely’ why would an agreement be necessary?
iSpotter with sufficient clout to make their ID ‘Likely’ doesn’t need it.
Surely there are plenty of IDs 'not yet Likely ‘that would better benefit from our time and support.

Bless you.
My view is that NO ID should get the Likely Banner until there is an agreement; simply because it may be wrong. There are honestly THOUSANDS
The Strip of Other Obs should come in but the ID should not be validated (Likely Banner) until there is an agreement from a user-with-reputation (maybe 3 icon?)

As we all know, there are EXPERT IDs here with the wrong ID AND agreements (not so many now, since we tackled quite a few)

*“…benefit from our time and support…” - is very true. We need to encourage all users to look through a few Other Obs when they do their own or after adding an agreement.
We should get into the habit of adding a supportive comment when we are the first agree-er, specially when the ID is not easy or the photo not good etc…

It is all to easy too get off thread here - sorry

I was looking for recent observations of Mycomya

and was surprised to see that it included one of Common Millet.

Is there a glitch in the software - or is the glitch in me?

We should continue to record difficulties and errors here. These are the ONLY records of Site Issues which may get overlooked in the quest for New Developments.
There is a small team of Coders working in the back-room. I know they are interested in what we record.
Here’s one that shows the Browser is Fading - it is typical of a number of issues with the Browser

There are NO records of this Organism in iSpot, recent or otherwise. OK, it seems vague, even inconsequential, but it shows that part of the site Code is faulty and getting worse.

There should have been an Admin response to this, I suspect it has been overlooked.

I can find nothing wrong with the display of Other Obs in the Common Millet link
But the Mycoma link is misleading. Are you looking for Fungus Gnats?
Use the Explore Community Filter, which reveals two Observations.
The Dictionary IS (typically) faulty, there being two entries; one has NO Observations.
This is NOT my business really but someone should respond to our difficulties, otherwise we will STOP reporting them.

And the Browser (you linked) is imploding - no-one seems to care about that, or rather it is too difficult or expensive to fix…
Use the Explore Community (filter) for all your deep-enquiries

I have a lot of sympathy with the coders. It cannot be easy trying to work on a complex piece of programming which has been developed by (possibly many) other people.
You almost wonder whether it would be easier to transfer all the observations onto a new piece of software and start afresh. But I’m sure that that isn’t the case!
I notice iRecord has issues, from time to time (although perhaps not so many as iSpot), so it’s probably inevitable that things will arise.

But, a recent code-development happened quite quickly and, apparently, with very little pain.
Just LOOK at the all new iSpot Showcasing - check the Showcases on the Home Page.

There is interest in creating a system for feeding back issues with dictionaries in general as most of the glitches have to go back not to ispot or even gbif/nbn/nhm but rather to the original people who produce that little part of the dictionary. This is a difficult task way beyond the capabilities of ispot, I heard about it in relation to GBIF, will have to investigate further.

Thanks, Mike. That’s good to know. If there was one place where all queries could be registered that would be a good start. But, of course, it will still need people to implement the changes.

Rotating Other Obs
Look here (and agree)

Go along the Other Obs strip. It is now a rotating carousel and never used to do this.
It should show Obs in strips of 7 to a total of 49, never more. It has stopped working properly very recently and may be related to the other issue above.
The safe way to look for Other Obs is to use the EXPLORE COMMUNITY (Filter)
I suspect a huge Other Obs crash will happen soon.

The main plants carousel has also been circularised. (Possibly all carousels have.) This has been confusing me when trying to go the the newest/oldest (that I’ve not viewed) observation.

1 Like

Have reported this as a bug. Can all observations that you used to be able to get to still be got to i.e. is it a usability issue or stopping some of the items being seen?

All the last 49 observations are accessible. The difference is that the left and right buttons now wrap round, rather than coming to a stop, at the ends.

PS: I’d scrolled up to the top of this page, to go the main page to verify the above. When I came back here entering the reply didn’t work. I had to refresh this page before the reply button would work.

I found the carousel wraparound that L’Guy reports unhelpful.

There has been a recent observation of Thelypteris palustris. As the images don’t look that different from the ubiquitous Dryopteris filix-mas I went looking for other observations for comparison purposes. There is no other observations carousel on this observation.

I then clicked on the species dictionary link. The species dictionary link does have an observations carousel, but it contains observations of other species. I think that it’s picked up the most recent observations of anything (i.e. the same as the main carousel).

This might be a general problem, or it might be an edge case where it doesn’t work correctly when there are zero observations of a taxon.

The same has happened with

where the dictionary for Lepadogaster showed the latest uk posts

Yes this has already been reported as a bug, programmer has been working on other behind the scenes bugs so this is not top of the list.

The vernacular name for Rhododendron (the genus) is Rhododenron, i.e. missing the 3rd ‘d’.

Should we be worried about HOW the browser is misbehaving across the site?
Should we be reporting it? @miked