Dictionary & Browser Issues

The latter are unconfirmed records for good reason
Here’s the authority
GBIF has never heard of it.
There have been bad spellings before, that have been perpetuated across the web in Scientific Papers
I guess it might have been created by an early OU s295er (Mike)
Maybe Charles Hussey mistyped it in the NHM Index

What is needed (Chris) as an entry beside the iSpot Browser version (drop-down menu)
If that can be done, then we can also gradually fix some of the other ‘mistakes’ or bad choices in the Browser/drop-down
BUT with a dictionary update coming any work done now will probably be lost
The longer term key, as always, is with the NHM Curator.
He should get sight of our increasing ‘discoveries’

Actually I wonder if it is all the schemes and socs or whoever are compiling the individual lists that Chris at NHM puts together that need to have this info. I suspect some of the fixes are possible in NHM but others are needed further back along the line.

And so, there needs to be a joint Forum for those who submit to the NHM Index
iSpot is in a prime position for testing the Dictionary, we use it every hour of the day and can find issues every day. And we can look for them too as the Browser is perfect for that.
Strikes me that no other Web-based recording site uses, or relies on, the dictionary like we do.
My guess is anyone who compiles part of a Dictionary would like feedback from users.
I know from personal correspondence that the NHM Curator responds to ideas and suggestions. He is a registered, but lapsed, user here.
The reference to the List, which could be in the Forum (though not many users access the Forum), should be on the Home Page

This REALLY need strong and dynamic collation.
Errors and difficulties should be listed alphabetically so that there is one source for recording and listing the difficulties for reference.
It is not an excuse to say a Dictionary Update is due. Once in, we will have to begin again.
Also current difficulties need to be passed to a higher authority as soon as we find them or in small monthly batches.
I am not certain WHY there are five entries in the Drop-done here when one would plainly do.
The first here is flawed leading to no Other Observations (once the new ones are agreed to
Here are three

This is a laugh or a disgrace depending on your viewpoint
It’s here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/species-dictionary/NHMSYS0020470198/arthropoda

There is an issue with Mytilus. It is duplicated in the drop down list. See:

One quirk I noticed was that when I put in a sighting of a Eurasian magpie, I entered Pica pica and one of the vernacular names offered was ‘black-billed magpie’, which is a North American species ‘split’ from ‘our’ magpie about 20 years ago (and more closely related to the N American yellow-billed magpie than to ours). I remember this because I was pleased to get two new species on my list after I had seen the bird (and its yellow-billed cousin) in California.
Not a problem with the dictionary as such but Oenanthe seems to be both a bird (wheatear) and a flower sp. I thought that that wasn’t supposed to happen? Wikipedia says: ’ “Oenanthe” is derived from the Greek oinos “wine” and anthos “flower” ’ so I’m not sure quite where the bird comes in!

I explained this in outline on the Conflicting genus thread.

See also Alexey Shipunov, The problem of hemihomonyms and the on-line hemihomonyms database (HHDB), Bionomina, 4: 65-72 (2011)

Unfortunately Shipunov died a couple of weeks ago doing fieldwork so not sure if the database will be kept up but even the lot of species that is listed there is a huge achievement.
Have looked through the listing and there are 1200 just involving botanical and zoological, think botanical includes fungi. The databases used are probably not the most up to date so there could well be more by now.

Two annelida, one without Observations
One is a Class (dead-ended in NHM), the other a Phylum
5 choices in the Menu Drop-down, so two only are needed and one of those will be the wrong one to add (no Other Obs). There is a need to label them in the Drop-down

don’t use Mussel to get the Sc.name

And don’t choose the second name in the dictionary drop-down

Gastopoda has a few entries in the Drop-down
There are two in the Browser here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/species-dictionary/NBNSYS0000160443/mollusca
And the correct ones to choose is Gastopoda | Gastropoda or Gastopoda | Gastropoda (Snails)
Best not free-typed then

Lots of Hedera helix on iSpot yet none are showing in Other Observations, here: https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/observation/858147/common-ivy

It is one of those cases where the person has typed in the names rather than selecting from the dictionary so does not link up to the other observations of Hedera helix. In this case typing a different common name so we end up with two versions of Hedera helix, the version in the standard dictionary and the version where the person has typed a different common name. Think Derek has already been through this but there is not a mechanism in place to prevent it happening.

I have corrected that one.
Type Ivy into common name to get a right one but it is NOT the right method

This is so maddening
Hedera helix (Ivy) is OK
But I see that Hedera l Hedera is also a choice, not showing and does NOT bring in Other Obs
Does anyone with ‘Power’ have the facility to do this?

the whole thing is infuriating.
two entries in the Browser here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/species-dictionary/NHMSYS0000459241/hedera
And 49 Observations to Subspecies here
Honest, it really IS time for a concerted TEAM Effort to find as many as possible, to list them alphabetically in PROJECT called DICTIONARY SOLUTIONS.
It will need strong support from Users and Admin
And for a dynamic forum with interested, maybe EXTERNAL, parties
WE (in iSpot) are in a unique and powerful position to influence those who compile and edit the master NHM Index
Somehow, I made a mess here, having opened the wrong link, sorry.

Notice that 7 agreements have not awarded Jamie an Icon.
He is a newcomer, what will he think?
Add him to your Follow List so you can help him progress - he might be the next Curator

We have been thinking about this issue and may test some items and ask for feedback on them soon.

Here is something else that has slipped through @Chris_Valentine

There’s two Gaelic vernacular name entries for NHMSYS0021056392 Patellidae in the species dictionary - looks like they’ve both been mangled by the import process. I believe one is supposed to be Bairneach - any idea what the other might be? Bairnich?

And Patella (Genus)
I don’t have the energy or support to see where the others go but one is wrong because it has no Other Observations, though the Browser is lying again here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/species-dictionary/NBNSYS0000188526/patella