Failing Links in iSpot One click away from iSpot’s Opening Page - most of the links fail.
Time for a revamp of the Start Page? PLEASE

Please report the Site’s Failed Hyperlinks click on the Podcast.
Terms of Use fails! Is hopeless

What a lot of good but wasted work in iSpot Keys
Please fix the links

Thanks for pointing these items out. Some of them seem a bit variable and others are definitely broken at the moment.

I have enquired about the keys again.

The quiz worked when I tried it but can quite believe it is temperamental.

Will also look into those other links.

Have fixed the link to terms of use and altered some of the wording in the changes section (you may still think it is hopeless, if you want to suggest other wording then I may be able to change it further).

Still looking into the other ones.

If you find any other broken links then do include them here and will fix any that I can. Note the links to NBN sometimes don’t work after they made a change, I think they were trying to put in something that would sort it out again but still some of them fail.

THANKS Mike… Most of the limp NBN links have an internal click to the proper one. Typically the Proper link is BLUE

A tribute to some good work, lest you think us too critical!
This has LOADS of quality links and sub links and was written in 2008 updated 2013/14
it is amazing that stuff like this survived the Recode in 2017
Some links in the Fungi section are broken and there will be more when I’ve checked every one
Changes Tracker
perhaps put in the link
Perhaps also on the Home Page
In Fish
Database and Atlas of Freshwater Fishes is broken

I suspect a huge number of the iSpotZA links are broken
The one is
Better search Google

… and obviously all the reverse links from the redlist
have to be reworked every time those URLs are changed for some or other reason. They are all leading into some iBush, sadly not the natural one :frowning:

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