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Not quite sure where to put this. When you drag and drop a batch of images into an observation it seems to put them in a “random” order (perhaps the order in which they finished uploading), which is not the order one might wish to present them.

Update: It’s fairly painless to reorder them in Edit Observation

But on the old iSpot the “first” picture is supposed to the be one used for the coordinates.*** Does this mean that some random picture will determine the coordinates for the observation?

Surely not!!

For mine they stayed in file number order, which is the same as the time taken, and I was able to drag and reorder them while it was uploading. I did not save, so I dont know if they are jumbled up afterwards.
But their position was set at the start of the loading, not at the end.

However, one of my pictures was larger than the others and the little tick to show that the pictures had finished uploading ticked when picture 1 was finished, even though the third picture was not even quarter way done. (This bug gives the Error 500 screen).

*** In fact, the first version of iSpot had a button to click that said “use this picture for the locality and date”

I suspect that it is likely to be the order in which you selected them, as they will be accepted in that order. Take care to select the lead pic first. But, in any case, as you say, they can be reordered very easily. I like this quite slick feature -select, drag, drop reorder.Do not hurry this procedure, nor move too quickly with your next interim tasks
As I have mentioned a few times before, drop them only in the DZ otherwise the iSpot will cry foul.

No. it is not the order selected, nor created, nor last edited, nor size, nor name.
One batch of mine was OK, another moved file 300 to between 303 and 304 (out of 8) for no obvious reason. It does not seem to be predictable.