Chris not here this week to look at his code for avoiding bryophytes.
Gnsslogger does what it says on the tin, logs a whole range of info related to the location including the location itself. It is really for scientific testing purposes, I mainly mentioned it because it seems so good because it uses both L1 and L5 and all the satellite systems which almost no other apps do. If you look at the log it does show the location (in lat long), I have not used it ‘for real’ yet and not compared to a prof level dgps so can’t confirm the actual accuracy.
Before camera/phone had built in gps I used a logger like this and just paired the location by timing on camera and gps log.
edit, just tried and you can get it to print to file: Fix,Provider,LatitudeDegrees,LongitudeDegrees,AltitudeMeters,SpeedMps,AccuracyMeters,BearingDegrees,UnixTimeMillis,SpeedAccuracyMps,BearingAccuracyDegrees,elapsedRealtimeNanos,VerticalAccuracyMeters
Basically the location and time (and elevation) with some accuracy info, the problem being that the time is in UnixTimeMillis, there are converters to put this in ‘normal’ time.