I’m typically getting well over 200 in a day at the moment covering a mix of urban, farmland, woodland and the odd soggy patch in a ‘day’ - which is perhaps only 5 hours bearing in mind we have coffee and biscuits at 10 when we meet and then a good 40 minute break at lunchtime and then someone usually mentions the pub around 1530! I doubt we’re doing more than 4 solid hours at any rate, but an experienced team of 3-4 spotters plus recorder def helps. I agree - 130 species in flower is a tall order… but I suspect that if we were to carefully pre-plan a route taking in a few old housing estates, woodland, coast, wetland etc, with a team of 4-6, covering both sides of the road at once, and ignoring tetrad boundaries, so focusing on NYPH rather than Atlas recording, it would be possible in the more southerly parts of the UK