Poland on twigs

A forthcoming book - The Field Key to Winter Twigs

Flyer at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz7ydHd1MaIEXzNrbFlUVngyZmFzbEIxYzVkZk9zUTREZHBJ/view

How useful - thanks.

Thanks, Poland’s Vegetative Key to B Isles is excellent and useful even in France, at least till Brexit.

Looks good but not sure how many taxa it will cover e.g. all 6000+ trees that can grow in UK?

There is a competing book available, costing 75% more and covering 75% more taxa.


There’s also a 4th edition of Stace due next year. I’ve asked whether there will be a Kindle edition.

If I’m not confused, 400 species.


An update (it hasn’t just got lost in the post!!)

Will be very interested to hear what you think of it. I have rather a lot of twig photos (hundreds), most but not all named, looking at them it is relatively easy to tell main species apart but there are so many woody species that can grow in UK and there is such a lot of variation in the twigs depening on what part of the plant and how well grown that I am not sure you can be fully confident of an ID below Genus level unless it is definitely a wild species.

Order shipped. (But Discourse thinks I ought to be more verbose.)

Will standby with some twigs to upload then