Shared Resources

Thanks Jo. Interesting creatures.

This is the sort of subject that should have a MUCH wider audience. One that is Indexed from the Home Page. It could easliy be an iFocus, should anyone want to try their hand

There are over 1100 Isopod Observations that deserve more input or at least more interest here Isopoda | Species Dictionary | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature
and Oniscidea | Species Dictionary | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature

If you search for Ispopoda you get 1 Observation - same old silly, inadequate Browser issue*
It is not a big task, forming a Project that carries typical photos, links to relevant Observations and all the Web-formation available - I have a few of those.
Here are the current iSpotlights
So, Is this worth an iSpotlight entry? I can do it, even as a temp project - shall I?
I am about to shred this one as it does not get read, outside the VERY tiny usual circle.
I could gather the Isopoda easily in that, as a test project. They are ALL very interesting and in everyone’s garden.


  • Using the Explore Community (Filter) for Isopoda is a laugh and for Isopod in impossible @miked

I would certainly love to read your Isopoda project if you do one :slight_smile:

After the current iFocus then

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This web ring is for sites which are about the insect order Coleoptera (beetles). Sites contain information about any kind of beetle from scarabaeids to cerambycids with actual natural history information. Sites which advocate the conservation and captive breeding of beetles are especially welcome.

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The British Lichen Sciety has updates on Taxon changes as they are published.

Opening that page led me to the ‘new’ impressive glossary. I hope to use some of those words this year.
It will be a while before the Taxi Changes reach the NHM Dictionary.

This is the key for the Bryozoan family Crisiidae from Hayward & Ryland (2003) Handbook of the Marine Fauna of NW Europe.

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Thanks Jo - precious books eh!

Disclaimer - Wasp identification in the field is difficult and it must be pointed out at this early stage, that the correct identification from photographs is not 100% accurate and this guide does not cover all the required identification features .
However, this site is so informative & shows so much detail for wasp id,that it’s worth sharing here. When the next social wasp appears on ispot, this could be useful.
Thanks to Steve Smailes for pointing out this site; is much more than birds.

Here is a paper where the author shows Dipteran wing venation patterns; I thought it might be of interest.

So basically are they trying to understand wing veins in terms of their function? This seems both logical but also remarkable given the complexity of some of the patterns.

Yes, I believe that’s what they are investigating.
I posted this on the ( only so far) Sepsis ispot post as it shows the pattern of a couple of Sepsis species; the venation confirms it is Sepsis.

The bluebottle landing photo, flexing the wings downwards at the point of landing is, I thought, a remarkable observation. The author suggests vein- disconnection may be at work there.t

A glossary of bryology

(PDF) Bryophytes : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts : illustrated glossary (

A good find indeed. A 131 page glossary is only just shorter than Featherly’s Taxonomic Terminology of the Higher Plants. (I got my copy secondhand from Ryan University, USA, via Abe boooks) .

I guess a lot of university libraries get rid of Old books. I once had a reference list for a module on evolution returned to me because “one of the books listed is very old”. You can guess which, I’m sure.

The one I’ve picked up a hard copy of is B. Daydon Jackson’s A Glossary of Botanical Terms, from a library sale, which is a rather older work (1905). I also spent some money of a new copy of Adrian D. Bell’s Plant Form. There’s an open access e-copy of Taxonomic Terminology of the Higher Plants available; I have that, and a couple of 19th century works.

The “very old” book that you’re likely to include in a reference list is On the Origin of Species, but perhaps one of Darwin’s other books. In a botanical context my concept of “very old” would be prior to 1753, aka pre-Linnaean.

I do like a book; I acknowledge that online resources take up less space on the already full shelves., but still…

This Wildlife Conservation manual mentions H Featherly as a Grasses person to whom unknowns could be sent. The PURPOSE section shows an understanding 70 years ago of what was already lost and what needed to be recorded. And it’s not a Bioblitz approach, but a 10 year project.

If there are any plants, i.e., grasses, weeds, etc., which club members or leaders cannot identify, identification can be had by sending flowering or fruited specimens to Dr. H. I. Featherly, Department of Botany, Oklahoma A. & M. College, Stillwater. No less than six separate specimens of the plant desired to be identified should be sent. Specimens must be in flowering or fruiting stage of development.)

I’ve got this too - Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary Paperback – December 31, 2001 by James G. Harris (Author), Melinda Woolf Harris (Author)
It is illustrated, which was far too modern for books in Featherly’s time.

This site is for SEEDS.

Bee Identification made easier

Steve Smailes’ post with photos and explanatory diagrams.

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Vole teeth.

Bank vole

Field vole

Water vole

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I’d be interested to hear comments from the botanically-focussed on this one: Basal Project