À la recherche du Lythrum perdu

A familiar name suggest high confidence in the ID.
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I just read the article too. You beat me to the post - not that I am implying iSpot is competative…

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c’est le weekend….you two beat me by hours. It’s a good story
Typically there is an edge to the story as https://www.gbif.org/species/8276569 suggests it’s a synonym.
And so does the CoL (but a different one) http://www.catalogueoflife.org/col/search/all/key/Lythrum+hyssopifolia/fossil/1/match/1
Bless then, the OLD iSpot Dictionary as it is waiting… (as Lythrum hyssopifolia) @Jo_Parmenter

I just read this as well from a link in the Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland Facebook group! I knew there’s be something about it here in the forums. How amazing that the plant has reappeared after so long!

Don’t worry - I shan’t let the sudden fame go to my head :slight_smile: You would not believe the number of complete strangers who have rung or emailed today wondering if I could identify a plant for them. I am directing them all to ISpot in the event that they have future queries!

A great discovery, and a fantastic and encouraging project to revive the ghost ponds.

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Lovely story, well done all involved, esp JoP. :smiley:

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It turned up in abundance on some disturbed sandy ground in Llandudno golf course about 10 years ago. I don’t think there was any history of it at that site and the following year it had either gone or almost gone.

It behaves in mysterious ways - sometimes it comes into an unsuitable site with soil and then won’t persist; other times it appears to have resurrected itself in a location from which it was previously lost, as we assume to have been the case at Heydon. It needs sites with a seasonally varying water table and annual disturbance to create new bare ground to do well.