AI and iSpot: a spotlight on FASTCAT-Cloud

The discussion is underway on Zoom following a presentation by Clara @FASTCATcloud starting with an outline of the FASTCAT-Cloud modelling system and how this was used with iSpot data:

ðejay just joined
but needs more characters.
there seems to be split- ‘viewing’ cant access the the other

Good to have you here @dejayM Is the zoom link not working for you?

Yes, sorry I have been blundering around
I am not interested in Seal ID I want to read what’s being said about PlantNet

It seems ridiculous (to me that you have TWO sessions going on at the same time/
Can I ask a question here? Or where?

RE plantnet. I don’t think it is giving it a fair chance at present because it is using a Global dictionary; but Plantnet is only being used on UK posts at present. I realise that there are garden plants out there that cold benefit from a global Plantnet ID, but overall those do not seem to be the majority of the posts. (I don’t have the data, as I haven’t counted).

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Hi @dejayM this is the LIVE chat space please post here.

OK, thanks

get ready for a question

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Yes, ask away on here and we’ll feed it in to the zoom discussion. Please do try and join the zoom again if you can @dejayM :slight_smile:

I understood this discussion to be about the FASTCAT-Cloud app (various vertebrates), and not Pl@ntNet; hence my non-participation, as I haven’t been paying any attention to FASTCAT-Cloud.

iSpot is RICH with the generosity of a few experienced users. This seperates us from all the other recording sites

Looking through many of the Plant@Net’ ‘contributions’ there is hardly any direct feedback

It is quite noticable that P@N admins appear to have NO interaction with specific AI suggestions.

NO-one has resspnded to my comments made AFTER the last LiveForum

This gives the impression that no-one is monitoring the Trial

No-One from the Organising committee has said ANYTHING about my PlantNet Project - only one has Favourited it.

Not a problem @lavateraguy . We will be posting information from the video session so you can have a look at the discussion later if there is anything of interest.

@dejayM we are working with the Pl@ntNet Team to facilitate followup on the additional queries posted. We will update on this soon.

If there is ro be a Phase two. Please consider using the Test Site
I honestly WANT to be constructive NOT on the off/defence regarding errors made by PlantNet
As it is few users are engaged with this process, (it seems to me)
Much better to engage with those who ARE interested, I AM interested

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Question on Mammals and Birds AI predictions: are the Auto-ID produced on the current trial UK posts also using a global dictionary?

All of this feedback is useful for us from the iSpot Admin team in terms of how we can go about this type of integration.

OK please consider adding feedback IN the Observations where Plantnet have made ‘contributions’. It may be the only way to engage with users

OK, thanks, so Mammals are using a UK dictionary. That seems sensible.

It begs the question as to why Plantnet are doing it differently, i.e using a global dictionary - but I appreciate that they are different projects and each of them has different people in their teams who have own criteria.

See you next time,

My Project reveals that most users have NO idea this is going on and Plantnet Admin are not following up where they should be (with comments)

The recording of the zoom conference will be made available in the next few days along with the slides that were part of the presentation. It will be interesting to see any comments on this from those who could not make the zoom call itself.