AI and iSpot: a spotlight on FASTCAT-Cloud

Welcome to the Cos4Cloud iSpot User Group 3rd iForum LIVE! The focus of this session is: AI and iSpot: a spotlight on FASTCAT-Cloud.

Please join us for a scheduled LIVE discussion with the FASTCAT-Cloud development Team and iSpot Admin on Wednesday, October 19th 5:30 p.m. BST / 6:30 p.m. CEST. 2022-10-19T16:30:00Z

This iForum LIVE session will be hosted slightly differently to the earlier sessions. We will be hosting simultaneously via chat in the iSpot Forum as well as via a live video meeting.

Joining details:

  • Join us in for the iForum LIVE chat in this iSpot Forum topic :point_down:t5: below:

  • Register to join us in LIVE video meeting on Zoom here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting on Zoom. *Please note: turning your camera on and speaking in the Zoom meeting is entirely optional, you can watch, listen on Zoom and add your comments to the iSpot Forum chat below.

Title: AI and iSpot: a spotlight on FASTCAT-Cloud


  • Welcome, Introduction to Cos4Cloud and the session: Janice Ansine, Senior Project Manager – Citizen Science / iSpot Project Manager

  • Team introductions:

  • Presentation: Performance evaluation of automated animal identification on iSpot observations? Clara Zirui Lui, Senior Research Programmer, DynAikon (FASTCAT-Cloud)

  • Q&A: All

  • Wrap up and next steps: Mike Dodd, iSpot Curator

This activity is the part of the Cos4Cloud iSpot User Group set up for testing, gathering feedback, etc. on the integration of Cos4Cloud AI Services from the iSpot Community as they use these services.

Cos4Cloud is a European Horizon 2020 project supporting citizen science by developing technological services to address challenges shared by citizen observatories helping them boost the quantity and the quality of observations. The Open University is a project partner and is a Cos4Cloud citizen observatory and this role includes integrating and testing relevant services. iSpot is currently trialling two Cos4Cloud image recognition technologies FASTCAT-Cloud and the Pl@ntNet-API .

iForum LIVE! sessions are scheduled group discussions in the iSpot Forum which members of the group can join LIVE on the date and time publicised. Users are also invited to add comments and contribute anytime.

Catch up on the1st Cos4Cloud iSpot User Group discussion introducing two services: iForum LIVE!: Why are we integrating FASTCAT-Cloud and the Plantnet API into iSpot?

See the posts from the 2nd session focused on the Pl@ntNet API: iForum LIVE!: AI and iSpot: a spotlight on the PlantNet API .

Read: About the Cos4Cloud Project: iSpot Cos4Cloud User Group

See more about the Cos4Cloud project and all of the: thirteen technological services under development.

We look forward to chatting with you in the session on October 19th!

Is this the place to watch for live commenting today?

Hi @dejayM , yes you are in the right place for the LIVE chat 2022-10-19T16:30:00Z ! We are inviting you to also join us in the LIVE video discussion on Zoom at the same time, details are above but added below again.

This iForum LIVE session will be hosted slightly differently to the earlier sessions. We will be hosting simultaneously via chat in the iSpot Forum as well as via a live video meeting.

Joining details:

  • Join us in for the iForum LIVE chat in this iSpot Forum topic :point_down:t5: below:

  • Register to join us in LIVE video meeting on Zoom here:
    Meeting Registration - Zoom

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting on Zoom. *Please note: turning your camera on and speaking in the Zoom meeting is entirely optional, you can watch, listen on Zoom and add your comments to the iSpot Forum chat below.

Looking forward to chatting with you later! Janice

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iForum LIVE! AI and iSpot: a spotlight on FASTCAT-Cloud STARTING SOON!!

We are looking forward to see you here 2022-10-19T16:30:00Z.

In addition the chat HERE please join us in LIVE video meeting on Zoom here:
Meeting Registration - Zoom

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting on Zoom. *Please note: turning your camera on and speaking in the Zoom meeting is entirely optional, you can watch, listen on Zoom and add your comments to the iSpot Forum chat below.

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Looking forward to the session this evening and meeting everyone. Just to note: My zoom link and link to the iForum Live didn’t work on Microsoft Edge today, but both worked on Google Chrome browser.

Is the zoom happening?

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Yes delay is the speaker keeps being thrown out of it! so rest of us are there

Hi @JoC - yes please bear with us… We are just waiting for one of the presenters and will let you in ASAP.

My screen says The host will let you in soon.

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Brilliant. We'll let you in soon. :)

Hopefully the people should be in now

could you reply here to say you are in the zoom

I can hear, thanks, … and you can record

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At present there is one of the AI development people giving a presentation in the zoom, it will be made available later to those who are not in the zoom

If anyone is trying to access the zoom link but having difficulty getting in, please let us know on here and we’ll help you to get in :slight_smile:

I agree with Graham H, the better word is Similarity.