Alan Silverside Lichens

I heard that the British Lichen Society is planning an obituary though it may take some time.


It would be good to record his input to iSpot with a project, but I donā€™t think you can filter for anyone but observation creators.

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A search under his name brought up 2 interesting obs (not his) that people might like to visit:
His username is AlanS.

Also interesting to note that he posted no observations on iSpot.

If anyone wants to do more on this I have the 1600 comments (the actual words themselves not just the links to the ispot observation) that Alan made on ispot, I could let you have a file with them in. He often made very useful comments.

I donā€™t have the identifications he made but could find them too, however I canā€™t get the agreements as we donā€™t have a way to find those without writing more code.

Yes, greatly missed. (thanks JoC)