May be found here @dejayM @miked @JoC - there may be other versions but this one is dated 2021
I think you should be able to navigate by going to the bottom of the page.
I did a quick test - so assume it works.
May be found here @dejayM @miked @JoC - there may be other versions but this one is dated 2021
I think you should be able to navigate by going to the bottom of the page.
I did a quick test - so assume it works.
Brilliant! Many thanks.
I hope this version stays there in the archive as I had a load of pages in this same archive from very early in the existence of internet (when there were only a few hundred thousand pages in total globally) and I thought they were safe there so did not do full backups of my own. Unfortunately the archive then suddenly deleted my pages at the same time they were deleted from the university servers, both without giving any warning. This was particularly unfortunate as those pages showed a much earlier version of things like ispot and were often referred to.
May be worth trying to contact the archive to ask what their policy is and how long Alan’s pages are likely to be kept.
a REAL blessing - thanks. Now in the Lichens project
I wonder if arrangements could be made for Alan’s site to be adopted by, for example, one of the academic institutions so that the considerable scholarship which has gone into its creation is not lost? Anyone with contacts at the Natural History Museum?
or indeed
Good idea, Thistle.
I wonder if Alan was aware of how valuable this site has been to many of us.
Many thanks, @marlandza I had almost forgotten how comprehensive and yet appropriately accessible the site is/was, so long it is since it was directly available. The ways of archived sites are beyond me, but I do hope to continue to consult Alan’s site using this link.
I’ve emailed both NHM and the British Lichen Society and will let you know of any responses. In the meantime, if anyone has any personal contacts in these organisations …!
Positive response from BLS but they’ve been unable to contact Alan for some time so are a bit stuck. Does anyone have any info on Alan’s current status?
I do remember the time when Alan stopped interacting with iSpot - maybe Mike will be able to help.
Also Nigel (synan) who still visits occasionally.
I did read of his and his wife’s attendance at a Scottish BSBI meeting - will look for link as someone there could help.
Had a look: it was a reference to Recorders Conference in 2015 on this page Scottish Spring Conferences – Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland, AS was at “Scottish Recorders’ Workshop 2015: Atlas 2020 - the final five years.”
But if anyone knows people in BSBI Scotland or UK, maybe that would be a place to look?
I think he was at one time the BSBI referee for Eyebrights (Euphrasia).
He retired from being the Wigtownshire CV recorder in 2020.
Has anyone tried his iSpot email address?
I did try that some time ago but that email does not work anymore.
I failed to get anyone interested in helping with this The site is stilll available on the WayBackMachine at but I find that rather slow… Yesterday I bit the bullet and found out how to download the whole site from the WayBackMachine to my own computer. It took a while, and several re-tries, to get all the files downloaded but now that I’ve got it there’s almost no delay in loading pages.
If you are interested in doing this, see the instructions at GitHub - hartator/wayback-machine-downloader: Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.. Once you’ve got the Command Prompt with Ruby running, type in the command
wayback_machine_downloader -f 20210917 -t 20210918
Without the -f and -t parameters you get the “latest” version of the site which doesn’t point at the correct index page.
Thanks for this
Should be most useful
I believe Alan Silverside is dead.
In the BSBI April 2024 there was this note.
I thought there might be an obituary in the Sept 2024 BSBI News, but there was not.
Like many I am indebted to Alan S for his lichen pages.
Sad news. Thanks for the update.
------RIP-.his expertise inspired so many of us