Am I Supersensitive - but find this offensive

I’ve just got feedback from my Lichen pictures on Flickr, where I put a link back to my iSpot observations.
Imagine my dismay when I found that an ex-iSpotter had added this comment on iSpot:

"Lichens - 4 December 2017 - 4:12AM Tony Rebelo
Cape Bird Club, Entomological Society of Southern Africa, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Botanical Society of South Africa A-team, Protea Atlas Project,South African National Parks Honorary Rangers, Toyota Enviro Outreach, Friends of Tokai Park, Senior Scout Adventure, Western Leopard Toad Volunteer

“Good news: The names of the fungi of southern Africa are being updated and checked. The SANBI dictionary will hopefully be up to date for Lichens by June 2018.
As soon as it is done we will upload it to iNaturalist.”
“The southern African community has migrated to iNaturalist at with all its data in early 2018. Beware that southern African data on this site is out of date and no longer updated.”

I have no idea of how many times he has added this comment to my observations, but I would dearly like to have these comments removed. Looks as if I’ve probably got 623 Lichen observations.
Please advise.

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Just report it as “Inappropriate” and the comment will disappear

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I don’t think you’re over-sensitive: this is simply rude. Chris’s suggestion is a good one, but I’m not sure if it will remove all instances. Perhaps an e-mail to the contact on the main page, bottom right, might also be advisable.

Tony is very ‘mischievous’ to the point of the inexcusable. i HAVE inappropriated some of his ‘material’ over recent months and in the last few days specially and have contacted him directly very recently. He is very sore of course. He drops in (will read this), abusing privileges which he abandoned months ago.

Looking at a few (there are NOT many), there seems little reason to fret, nor take offence BUT…
You can Track Tony’s Activity here
set the Filter to list activity from near the Migration Date (say October 2017) to the present day and search for Type: Observation, Change:Commented add the Date Window - (between). You then only need to look for your own name in the Title Column

I need to say, will say, that some VERY good work is now being done in ‘that’ place - see his final comment here Grasses of the Cape Peninsula | Project | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature

There comes a time when you need to leave, if that’s what you want to do, and move on. Tony has a grievance against the ISpot management but that’s no reason to take it out on you.

Thanks everyone for the support and advice -
Feeling much better and hoping to stay focused on my special projects.
News about the East India Dock BasinTerns: they are now nesting across the river at Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park -