Another plea for Global inclusion

That is correct. I suspect it would be possible to change things to allow this but it is not the case at present.

Right, I see. Will add fresh ID using UK dictionary in each case. Might need banner shifts! We’ll see.

But thanks for tackling this and responding, you must be busy.

Have added fresh but identical IDs but they are from global dictionary again (no NBN link) so I think the obs are still in global community! Don’t think that’ll change if banner shifts to them.
Interesting to investigate how all this works. I’ve done the reverse: place global spot in UK to get a reasonable ID then edit location to rightful place, obs has moved communities though other obs thumbnails are from UK and not global. Example of marine alga:

Something selectable as you suggest would be good, if folk have time and inclination they could view some global obs with ease.

Edited to add DJM quote. Hijacked your thread, for which apologies.

There is a pull-down menu which allows selection of Global, SA, UK & Ireland, etc. It is just below the hedgehog (to right of fox) in the top Wildlife Banner, called communities.

Yes, sorry I only quoted a wee bit of Derek’s plea for integration most of which is way up the thread.

I have just been to a couple that were not not fixed - only apparently
I think that when we edit we should, normally refresh the ID and test with an ID that is NOT in the Global Dictionary. No seaweeds are in the current iSpot CoL one but the new CoL has Genus but not species.What a bore that will be for our Global friends
That’s an easy test BEFORE adding a new ID.

I edited and moved the location a fraction and unticked Hide - I just think the recent fix had not been completed. But we know thee is an GLOBAL UPDATE BUG associated with location issues.
Interesting the maps @miked left behind were still Global and quite different to the normal UK&I ones

Yes but it is ineffective as it shows Global Observations that, in this case, means EVERY Community, So, as most observations are UK, the non UK ones are hiding
My suggestion is for a pulldown menu showing the Grid of the most recent 49 Global (CoL Dictionary) Observations
Much better would be to have a Strip on the Home page showing recent (Col Dictionary) Observations
like here Another plea for Global inclusion