Another reason for insect declines

dejayM drew my attention to this article which has answered a question that I have had for a number of years and is illustrated by
It shows potential reason for declines in aquatic and other insects - them being attracted away from their correct habitats in large numbers by manmade objects and so not being able to lay their eggs. This recent paper gives more of a summary of the overall problem although is not written in the most easily read way.

In my particular case I had noticed large numbers of aquatic beetles coming to my dark coloured car and dieing when I parked near wetlands. The original paper suggested that people who often visit wetland areas only drive light coloured cars and/or never wash their car as this much reduces the numbers of insects being attracted.

Yes, read it because the Observation (from 2009) was interesting
You are right [PMC6346644/] is not an easy read but how interesting the RESULTS are…

Not surprisingly I am learning a LOT from the Lost Observations project.
I began the quest in 2013 (to unlock the Invalids) In the process I had/have to research the IDs, so as to make a new one or duplicate an existing one
I am leaving most of the IDs to others now; in some cases, they will require a little reading.
PLEASE help with validation.

My car is dark blue, and I frequently park near wetlands. That might tell you something about the frequency of washing…
Joking apart, it’s another example of how we unknowingly cause harm to our environment. I say “unknowingly”, but “carelessly” is perhaps more accurate. It’s all too easy to go with the flow, and ever harder to resist: when I couldn’t drive for a very short while after surgery, rural life seemed impossibly hard; and a couple of weeks with a dodgy internet connection was purgatory (it’s never very good, but it serves us right for living in the middle of nowhere - we are, after all, over 60 miles from London…)
I know more than one otherwise good and committed “enthusiasts”, who go soppy and indulgent about the wildlife their cat brings home. But that’s another grumble altogether…