I’ve repeated the search & now there’s nothing
The old iSpot pages are slowly vanishing from Google, but the new iSpot is not being found by Google.
So the iSpot search is going from outdated to nothing! Totally useless.
The big question is: Why?
In the light of the way things are working I am willing to bet that the designers decided not to let Google display iSpot at the same time that they decided that they will use Google to do the iSpot searches.
As I have said before, I am a cynic …
Errors this morning:
“500 - Internal Error Something has gone very wrong - please try clearing your browsers cache & cookies, restarting your browser and returning to the page that caused the problem. If the problem persists contact iSpot.”
This on attempting to access the site (Windows 10/Firefox: tried clearing cache and cookies without success).
Tried using Google Chrome, but page would initially not load at all, “Error 504: bad gateway” when I finally logged in and came to the forum page to log in (Same system). Closed Chrome and cleared cache etc.
Now seems to be working with Chrome.
Updated: no, it isn’t. The “500” error occurs if I try to load any observation in a new tab.
What time?
Had the same error at 12h50 +2h. for southern Africa
First Chrome reported that the Cloudfare CT was working but iSpotnature.org was down
offered me the option of a direct link not via Cloudfare
Then I got “500 - Internal Error Something has gone very wrong - please try clearing your browsers cache & cookies, restarting your browser and returning to the page that caused the problem. If the problem persists contact iSpot.” (and of course a page freeze: cannot get back onto the page).
Clearing the page (not the cache) and reload gave the same.
Third page roload got me on.
No trouble afterwards with observations or anything.
Recurring again at 13h08 +2h. Forums working OK, but not iSpot.
It began about 10 minutes before I posted the report. It then returned when I saw your e-mail: I could not log back in until a couple of minutes ago (say 12:25 BST).
Site coming and going. Am getting odd comments and IDs in ,but mostly site is unavailable.
I cannot access anything but the forum at the moment. Giving up for the time being.
Same here, whole of today I’ve struggled with this error-not that there’s any reward to succeeding.
Same trouble,coming & going,& empty pages,but didn’t clear cache & still came back, still on & off includin error 502 showing browser &^ cloudflare (not cloudshare!) are ok but ispot not working (w. screenphoto’s)
Comments and Agreements from after lunch - "success"fully reported by iSpot are now - 2 hours later - gone …
15h15 Now both comments and agreements reporting ERRORS
ERROR Could not add new comment
ERROR Could not agree to identification
15h17 Now just hanging …
I’ve just had an error 500. A F5 cleared this, but the page didn’t display the carousels, or other database-derived stuff. I suspect that the database (hopefully just the server daemon) is broken.
4.00 Sunday 30.07.17 Mine says Error 502 Bad gateway: Browser working, Cloudflare working (whatever that is) Host Error.
I presume that CloudFlare is being used for its anti-DDOS service.
The purpose of Cloudfare is to speed up delivery to southern Africa and other remote places, and to take pressure off the UK server.
((Cloudflare speeds up your website by caching content at 115 data centers around the world. In addition, our SSL provides HTTPS support, securing your website and improving search engine rankings. Both of these offerings are entirely free.)) -
I wish iSpot would write intelligernt error capturing pages.
500 - Internal Error Something has gone very wrong - please try clearing your browsers cache & cookies, restarting your browser and returning to the page that caused the problem. If the problem persists contact iSpot.
Why can they not just say that iSpot is down, we apologize, come back later. Now the poor user has to do all sorts of things when this will not help at all, because the error is not the users but iSpots.
(and in fact, if the cacheing and cookies were the issue, it would also be an iSpot error). Never the programmers fault: the user must have done something wrong!
Looks like iSpot is up again at 18h27 +2h.
Last observation in s Africa was at 12h27
No: wrong: down again …
17:35 GMT - the whole site is sulking and thoroughly bad tempered.
Unable to add Comment, Unable to add ID and I am unable to go to the toilet just in case the site relents.
The Forum is working well - perhaps we should start a New Category here "ADD OBSERVATION"
Perhaps we should migrate iSpot to the forum?
that’s what facebook is for