This appears to have been fixed (for me anyway)
I’m a week late in logging in, because I was getting refusals to connect from iSpot’s web server. I suspect this is because HTTP (as opposed to HTTPS) is no longer supported.
There may be other people not able to log in because of this issue.
The Spanish language site seems to have been lost. (I switched to the Chilean community in case they were restricting language by community, but even that was only offering English.)
@Major_Bombylius: When systems change one gets grumbles from people that were used to the old ways of doing things, but providing the functionality is still there, people adjust. But, the last major upgrade lost the ability to filter the Unread list (before that happened I could more or less conveniently read every plant observation and comment - though the lack of a next button was a bit of an irritation). This release now seems to lack Unread altogether, and Changes, which is what I was using as an inferior substitute. I can only hope that there’s a notification system that lets you know about what was covered by changes. Otherwise iSpot will have lost the ability to leverage the talents of the acknowledged and de facto experts.
@lavateraguy: testing the notification system.
Tagging myself doesn’t cause a notification. I’ll try tagging @dejayM instead.
We’ve lost the gallery view on observations.
Editing a post isn’t counted as forum activity.
It looks as if we can’t edit comments any more.
The old site took (I think, I didn’t time it) longer than that to load my images.
When I logged in an got to MyISpot it lacked the useful bits that used to be there, so I switched my home page to communities. I’m now failing to see a means for switching it back.
Update: My mistake. (Due to the need to reset passwords I ended up with two windows, one of which wasn’t logged in.)
Also, as a “new user” I’m being restricted to 3 replies in a thread, so I won’t be able to say any more here.
Presumably we’re all “new users”.
[quote=“lavateraguy, post:42, topic:92”]
I’ll try tagging @dejayM instead.
[/quote] Does nothing, looks spectacular though! I arrive here by logging on and going to top right, three horizontal lines and work my way through Unread, one at a time.
you’ve earned my Like! How pleased you must be…
Originally the forums, etc., didn’t have things like likes because (IIRC) it wasn’t meant to be a social forum.
Update: I now seem to have got round the 3 posts limit. (Was it 3 consecutive posts?)
I think you quite quickly get upgraded beyond ‘new user’ and the restrictions removed.
Another bug I have found is that if you type in a six figure grid reference to speed up the location finding when posting an observation, the end result involves a modification to the grid reference for no obvious reason.
That also happens when you enter a four-figure grid reference.
Note for non-UK users I am referring to the option to enter an Ordnance Survey grid reference to get a location - I suspect this is a UK only option.
Two things.
Many correctly spelled ID names do not show as links.
I’ve noticed that when I add a revised ID it may or may not become the “Likely ID” and this does not appear to reflect experience as in the previous build. I don’t know if this is a bug or if the system of Likely ID has been changed.
I noticed that an identification of Orchidaceae by a reputation 3 user wasn’t superceded by your revised ID (until I agreed with you). One possibility is that they’ve changed the algorithm so that confidence (definite vs likely, IIRC) is taken into account.
I saw that it had changed after your agreement. The algorithm could do with a tweak so I’d interested to hear if it has been changed.
I have a theory; that a long-interger variable is passed to a short-interger variable and rounding off errors are incurred that results in the modification.
This also occurs to many users for Longitude. In fact, once iSpot has modified the longitude one cannot correct it. You have to go to the map and move the marker, and then edit your Longitude and then iSpot modifies it again. Curses!!!
More pleasse!!!
The correct names not linking to the dictionary (that is why there are no links: note too that the ID is not in blue: it does not point to the taxonomic collection because it cannot - it needs a dictionary link to do that).
This is a pain, and happened in teh old iSPot a lot too. You have to click on an option in the new iSpot - typing in the name is not enough. And I dont know about the UK, but for some ZA species there are 5 or 6 synonyms listed and if there are 5 common names listed, then there are 25 or 30 names to choose from. A total nightmare! Which one does one choose. -
I have not noticed any instances of Likely ID not working. Please provide some examples; copy paste the urls so that I can play with them … Will really appreciate it: finding bugs like this is not easy.
Note that if the group is changed LIkely ID can be really unpredictable: it is the reputation votes in the one group versus the reputation votes in the other group and that can appear totally unpredictable because the weightings vary between groups.
I strongly doubt that: please give me the url.
I have noticed this on 3 observations so far, all my IDs have now been upgraded to Likely following agreements by other members.
I can post the links but you won’t see the error.
Next time I see this happen I will post the link.
Thanks: you are correct: I cannot see any agreements and removals.
Next time, please prtscreen and email to me at tdodrebeloatsanbidodorgdodza before you agree to the one ID. I will need to know who agreed to each if there are already agreements.
It would be easier with ZA observations/users as I have their actual reputation votes to hand and can check the calculations.
Interesting. On the old version of the site I always felt that ‘LikelyID’ status was assigned too easily, something like one person with three ‘stars’ could trigger a LikelyID (I always found it worrying I could establish a plant ID as likely given how poor I am as a botanist). I wonder if they have increased the level required to get ID.