Bumblebee for id

A cuckoo- Bombus Bohemicus?

I’m only allowed to post one image as a new user- more to follow.


NW Worcestershire, 3 August 2018.


The forum isn’t intended for posting observations. You should use Add Observation (where more people will see it)


You can track responses with Activity Changes (under Your iSpot)


Very nice pictures.
Is it true that new users can only post one? @miked

I think there are restrictions on what happens in the forums to reduce the chances of large amounts of spam appearing from a new person.

Discourse documentation (has anyone here got to TL3 Regular?)

I didn’t even know there were Discourse Trust levels. I’m probably at level 2, not T3. something more to aim for - that is, if iSpot is operating Discourse. Mike may know…

Yes the forum is in Discourse software

I suspect we need to be awarded T3 as opposed to earn it.
I think I’ve earned it but I am tired… Ha!

Can anyone explain how you find out what your trust level is?
I went to Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
and it came up with:

Your current trust level is visible on your user page, and a summary of all trust levels within your community is presented on your dashboard.

I’ve answered my own question. I click on my icon in the top right-hand corner (in a circle) and then click on the button that looks like a head and shoulders. Then ‘summary’ and then on ‘expand’ and lo-and-behold, I can see that I am a member (T2).
To get to T3 you have to fulfil a lot of conditions… and if you drop off the amount of activity, you quickly (within two weeks) revert to T2. You can only be T4 if you are invited.
You may think that I should delete my question, but as it has taken me a ridiculous amount of time to answer it, I’ll leave it up for everyone’s edification! (Although I’m sure that some people knew that all along.)

Was having a look, Ken, when you solved it! I’m a T2, too!
All seems rather complicated, doesn’t it?!

It does, Jane.
But I have just discovered that all you have to do is to click on the circle to the left of the name of the poster in this forum!
Much to my surprise, I find that DejayM is ‘only’ a member. And I don’t think anyone else comes close to spending as much time on iSpot as Derek does.
It makes me wonder what is the point of having T3 and T4 categories at all!

I think Miked and Chris Valentine are both at OU, & they are “members” too. Is anyone other than a Member?

Yes, some people are still at the ‘basic’ level.

There 42 people at TL2 or above. (And 149 at TL1, 5 at TL3 and 4 at TL4; FastCAT Cloud has TL3; I suspect the other 4 are OU developers.)

Some good sleuthing!

Yes, the whole thread is interesting, thanks
Just looked for the Bee…can’t find it…