Celebrating iSpot's Anniversary

And my milestone of 2000 recordings at the Cape of Good Hope

Added15 August 2011: Cytinus capensis, Cape Point - 2010 | Observation | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature
Comment by Tony Rebelo: Listed as “Critically Endangered - Presumed Extinct” in the latest Red Data List: what a find - well done!
JAYNE’s post
Cytinus sp no longer Extinct! | Observation | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature

And now my FIRST post of the Anniversary
The Group Visit to show the power of sharing on iSpot.

Certainly a remarkable record of recording. We found an interesting plant today but only unusual as it was the first time it had been recorded in that 10km square which is a bit different to ‘thought to be extinct’!

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Our finds at Cape Point were quite often a team effort.
This particular find was one of those instances.
I saw the bits of the flower on the path, called the friends to show them. We searched to see where they originated. Barrie found the original plant under the Metalsia. Then Frankie went home and searched for a name.
Meanwhile, we were joined by Jayne (Friends of the Cape of Good Hope) and we searched to see if we could find more plants.
Somewhere along the line John Manning suggested we should look for a female flower.
I’d contacted the US expert Daniel L. Nickrent (Plant Biology at SIUC)
who referred us to Pricilla and she joined us the following season and you may see the results of her desk-work.
iSpot was the way we recorded it all.

M. What a good team effort & thanks tor sharing it. iSpot, where a post is often subject to ‘peer revue’ before we’re agreed, is a source of satisfaction for me, both for my own observations ( how do you know how many you have?) and for seeing others that could be worth looking for in the area. A pleasure to be here.



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How many?, Jo.
Well I had my favourite locations so it’s been easy enough to add tags - iSpot makes it easy and helps me to avoid duplication.
Cape Point tag ‘myCP’ and the map view gives the numbers. Monitoring with Jayne and the Friends of The Cape of Good Hope.
Rondebosch Common ‘myRBC’ often stopped there after work - then would go back with Barrie and Frankie Shoosmith to check out special finds.
Silvermine ‘mySNR’
Stofbergsfontein and the West Coast ‘myWCNP’ weekends with my brother.
are the main ones - some are yet to be tagged .
Is that what you were asking?

If you’ll wait a little longer I’d like to add to the Forum the saga of the Massonia at Cape Point. Starting with the Shoosmiths. Then Jayne joined in, checking the site regularly.
But the cherry-on-the top was the study by John Manning Professor John Manning
Maybe I’ve mentioned it here before - so must check.

Tagging. I have been erratic in tagging my observations, so that’s not a way to count my observations. I was just wondering how you knew.

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@miked @Janice_A
Following a tag - I think Worthy of Celebration -
I followed the tag ‘Did you know?’
which lead me to this delightful post from 2013

which was also tagged ‘First Record for Season’ (not followed) because I thought iSpotters from Up North might like to know more about Marula Season.
This video ends abruptly - not sure why.

African Animals Getting Drunk From Ripe Marula Fruit

On my Wish List - how to post correctly to the Forum.

Interesting when I did a search on that species of tree the first result was to UK government website! Marula - a tree for everyone - GOV.UK
Not really what I was expecting, it is one of those trees that people periodically ‘discover’ as being very useful to humans and wildlife.

I know it from the family Zimbabwe connections - I see the common name may be spelled differently.
A rather nice site to remember with more about the tree: Flora of Zimbabwe - Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra