I feel I need to add my voice here:
Please! Site developers! we need Changes back. first priority.
after that we can get onto the lack of a preview for confirming an observation and the astonishing amount of time each observation takes to be added and the return of previously added site locations and the memory of the site locations I have added in the New iSpot and…
It may be my problem but it’s only ispot where I suffer. My pc may be old but I’m sure many people use older devices. Firefox memory usage goes over 1gb when I try to use it with ispot now, it never went over 500mb before.
Here are some screens from my mornings observation views.
dejay, I can’t seem to load the image in your post.
the image is screen shot of your Unknown Plant Post. If others can see it here, I suspect YOUR display card or RAM is not up to the new iSpot. Can others see these pictures? Please?
What about this?
Here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/observation/731006/bring-back-our-smiles
@Peachysteve. I have taken the liberty of reproducing your screen shots here - not everyone will have access to DropBox.
Above - this happens to us all. Waiting is the key, but if it never comes then YOU have a problem, not the site (in my opinion)
Above - greyed out? again it suggests a reduced ability (resource) in your computer to handle the display. Steve, can you get to a neighbours’s house or a public Library and see if it’s your or the site’s problem? I don’t get greyed out sections.
Above (it’s getting so I can’t see the pix and my text at the same time, so may have to edit) Looks normal - those thumbnails are ALWAYS the last to complete. If they never complete then it’s a display issue, surely.
I am wondering whether your Line Bandwidth is good enough. When my internet speeds are really down, the pictures never complete. Run an speed tester? http://www.broadband.co.uk/broadband-speed-test/ - I would guess it needs to be above 500Kbs for this sort of activity.
You know what? should I be ‘helping’ here or should a site developer be on your case? NO need to answer
I am quite surprised that my constant uploading here is allowed - I was blocked yesterday for writing my fourth comment “Wait an hour” it said!
Give me a moment to review and edit this whole comment DONE!!
My download speed is 4mbps and I have 4gb RAM.
I posted the images as public links rather than images so there would be less to load. (Given my own problems)
Your image of Linneus showed on Firefox but I was unable to respond to the thread, the page wouldn’t load.
On chrome I can reply but I can’t see any of the images.
My graphics card is fine, I don’t have any problems watching anything or loading any other sites. I view a lot of sites with a lot of images and video without problem. It’s just the new ispot. No other sites cause my browser to freeze.
I’m sure that faster computers with better connections work just fine but that’s not what I have.
Surely improvements should make things more accessible and easier to use.
I people come to ispot for the first time and experience problems like mine they are unlikely to return.
But I’ve learnt that speaking up rarely changes anything. I will have to either limp on or quit.
At least if the track and changes features are brought back I’ll be more inclined to limp.
Using firefox unable to reset password tried IE and got job done .Now using firefox and no problem to log in .Using Windows 7
Limp on for now Steve
So glad to see a way to communicate with dejayM and George_G.
Have you also found that the old posts may be missing?
I’ve kept some links to previous posts - now find that they don’t link.
I really don’t want to go back to check all my posts.
Then - is this the correct way for me to communicate with you?
I can see this - and it loaded fast on my PC with Windows 10 and Chrome
I guess so, anyone visiting the forum will find replies and the link to themselves. I am not quite certain HOW this @marlandza gets seen - do you get a special flag? Anyway I am away from home and I promised myself NOT to open the Forum but guess what?
I’ve no idea how i found my way here, but now find myself completely bogged down in all this and these forums when what i actually want to do (like everyone else here i’m guessing) is get on with the observations, IDs etc.
I’m struck by the complete absence of engagement from anyone representing the “ispot team” here at all … jeez, it’s like they don’t really care about us!
Where is all this going?
It’s a safe bet that the majority of casual users and new users have not grasped what’s gong on and so are completely disenfranchised - to the extent that anyone seems to get a say …
Has anyone had a reply to an email to the OU Vice Chancellor?
Being an OU alumna and living near Milton Keynes I feel like going down there to see if you can actually speak to anyone face to face like humans
I only found your message after seeing the email, but then didn’t know how to reply.
Guess I’ll need to get used to the system - but, for security reasons, the email I use for iSpot is located on an old computer that I access only occasionally.
It’s all rather tedious at the moment.
What does the Love Button have in common with at least 20 Characters? will be a test question in the new Ispot ComprehensionTest (iCT)
Hi All
I’m now sad.
This was a good site, but now is a constant struggle (omg It’s now telling me how to behave!).
No next button (basic stuff!)
Slow to load up images (what’s changed in terms of data volume?)
Can’t see my submissions and peoples opinions without extra clicks… (maybe I should sue for repetitive strain?)
Did anyone who uses the site regularly test this upgrade? I’m used to NHS upgrades and they can be bad, but this is shocking!
Currently glass half empty…
Lots of issues…we’re all sad…you at least have the comfort that you are not alone in that
… but on a more positive note, Joe Fogey and Tony Rebelo told me a way to open images quickly without the ‘next’ button - sort your carousel of images by ‘plants’ or whatever, then right click on each image in turn and ‘open in new window’ - I do batches of 6-7 at a time; close them once you’ve reviewed them and you will be back to the carousel again to move onto the next batch. I’d rather have the next button but this way works OK and is tolerably fast.
Yes, I did; I wasn’t the only one but I feel awful.
Quite a few users were asked to test the new site (I was one of them). I didn’t really find any bugs in that testing but noted that quite a few key features has been omitted (like the lack of the ‘changes’ feature) and fed these concerns back to the team. Not sure how many others were involved in the testing.
I have just found this on the Front Page dated July 4 (sorry if I seem dozy)
“Could you give us an ETA on the implementation of the Track and Changes?” vynbos
Hi - I cannot give you an ETA for this quite yet, but please be re-assured that we are looking at this functionality right now. It’s not a case of simply re-enabling the feature, as the new site is now on different technologies from the old site; we need to re-develop the functionality. The benefit of this will be that we can build a much more useable and flexible feature that isn’t constrained and slowed down by the old Drupal CMS. First thing is first, we need to get something in place that allows you all to see what activity has taken place.
The team have put in a huge effort to get us to the point where we have a site which is sustainable and fit for the future, as opposed to no site at all. We do appreciate your patience, feedback and support … please stick with us!"
Is from Kevin McLeod https://forum.ispotnature.org/u/kevmcleod/summary
I was - again - fed back key issues (lack of ‘changes’ function) as did many others, to no avail
love the pic of the bring back CHANGES. Please iSpot. it’s September now, when everything was supposed to be all right. or does that mean The End of September?