Comments flag please

It’s easy to miss comments because you have to scroll down to see them. New users often don’t realise the bottom of the page can contain anything new since they posted the observation. A flag at the top saying SEE COMMENTS or something might help a bit.

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That seems a good idea - anything that helps users to interact is a good idea. Sometimes I forget that the comment trail might be very long and that I need to press the See More Comments (or somethong like that) tab which is at the very bottom.

I’ve never seen that! Maybe a button that’d take you straight to the latest comment if you clicked on it, but wouldn’t appear at all unless comments existed.

Here’s a longish one Sue,
The button at the bottom says “Load More Comments”.

The issue of earliest first or latest first is often raised on website like iSpot. A button to go to the latest comment might work, but then there could be some earlier comments that we hadn’t seen either and then we’d have to work backwards… it’s a tricky one. As comments are nested there are replies, which might also complicate things. On balance if my Changes Tracker says there is a comment to be seen (on a post I have contributed to earlier) I just scroll down until I find it.

Not long after the infamous Recode, We proposed a small panel in Observations, that displayed (7) Comments present.
And that when viewing them we should be taken to the most recent** Like so many (ALL?) of these potentially useful and user- friendly suggestions (there are dozens) they are hidden in the dust of this Forum.
Item 19 here Improvements requested
It is in an existing thread Titled Improvements Requested.

** There is a difficult issue in that if you respond to a comment that is not at the end of the trail, it is almost impossible to find by others, despite getting a Changes Flag.
Unread Comments used to be in coloured panels. Whilst we carry on making the very best of it, the site used to be so much better before the recode and many of the features developed over the early years have been erased from our memories,