Cornflower and I spot

I have taken pictures of my Cornflower from seedling to growing a flower bud so I was wondering weather anyone would like to see the transition of my cornflower from small seedling to adult on I spot? Once it has flowered I can compile the photos into one observation cause it’s the same plant. would any one like me to add it to I spot once it’s flowered and see the transition from seedling to adult?

I know the photo limit. il still be able to show the transition from seedling to adult if anyone would like me to send the transition from seedling to adult once it’s flowered?

It’s always good to have an observation that shows something over a period of time, Zo. Put something in the description box so that iSpotters know your reasoning and also add a couple of useful links if you can find any. That helps people to consolidate their learning if they don’t know the flower or to check for sub-species, for example.
Observations like you suggest are much more suited to Observations than photos in the Forum. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
Next thing is to try a Project!

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Ok. Yesterday it developed a flower head and the purple petals were closed but partly exsposed but today It has opened so il compile the photos from seedling to adult an send them to I spot

On the cornflower seed packet it’s called Blue Diadem