Having spent some of my formative biological years in Aberdeen I sent in my objections. I recently got a letter from Local Government and Communities Directorate Planning and Architecture Division: Planning Decisions. A good result.
Looks good. Presumably the developer could still judicially review the decision of Scot Gov if they felt it had been taken inappropriately? At least that would be the situation under English administrative law, situation may be different under Scots law.
Re Appeal Good point. The letter I was sent said "The decision was issued 21.2.20. “Ministers decision is final. However, any individual unhappy with the decision has a right of appeal to the Court of Session, Parliament House, Parliament Square, Edinburgh, EH1 1RQ. An appeal must be made within six weeks of the date of the decision. Please note that an appeal to the Court of Session can only be made on a point of law and it may be useful to seek professional advice before taking this course of action.”
7 weeks have passed. I might watch out to see if there is any more news. I don’t even know if the Court od Session is sitting.
Not sure the Court needs to be sitting for the appeal to be lodged. If the courts there are anything like the ones in England with which I am more familiar it could take them months even to decide whether to hear the appeal (it needs to be an arguable point of law) and then more months to hear it.
The Applicant had six weeks from the date of the decision to submit an appeal. There is no record of an appeal having been revived on Scottish Government’s website. Link to the record of correspondence sent/received.
I’m sharing a post from Stirling and Clackmannanshire SWT’s FB. I’m sorry to say it’s about a new application to build a golf course on Coul Links. See: ‘Coul Links again! Another golf course proposal for this highly-protected, environmentally-sensitive site. Very hard to credit this. Get ready to support the campaign against.‘ https://www.scotsman.com/…/campaigners-pledge-fight-new-pla…