The development of the Fynbos Corridor Collaboration (FCC) was initiated by three Cape Town-based urban greening organisations: Ingcungcu, The Greenpop Foundation and Communitree. However, since 2018, it has become a joint endeavour between many individuals and organisations in Cape Town, South Africa. By generously providing their time, invaluable knowledge and enthusiasm, these individuals and organisations have contributed toward a shared vision of a city where people and Fynbos can thrive together through a restored relationship between people, insects, birds and plants.
Step 3. Choose plants
In this section we will guide you through creating a plant species list for your site. Your ‘mother list’ of plants will be derived from the plants that would have historically occurred at your site. You will then select a few types of plants and shorten that mother list to a smaller list that fulfills the social and ecological needs you aim to fulfill with the garden. Use information from Step 2 to inform your choices.
No matter what you choose as the theme for your plant choice, you should establish the garden in a three step process starting with 1) a foundation of pioneer plants, and 2) aim to recreate the structure (or particular combination of groundcovers, grass-like plants, shrubs) of an existing reference site for the historical vegetation type of your area. Your site will then be ready to provide a healthy soil and sheltered wind environment for the more sensitive Fynbos species, which will then be more likely to survive.