Wondering if anyone could contribute here:
This may have been overlooked when things were a bit unsettled Added 25 March 2018
Sarah Mak (plasmak) is still active on iSpot - seen last night.
I’ve asked Gaby if she may be able to advise.
Wondering if anyone could contribute here:
I see this one is now named, I had seen it at the time and has got as far as Ascomycota but that is a huge group (not much better than saying fungi) so was hoping someone might be able to go further than just sticking this very high level ID in.
Just to remind anyone and everyone that Global is almost completely and constantly ignored by UK Community users.
It is VERY difficult (I find it difficult) to get INTO the TRUE Global Community and browse the (non UK, ZA, Chile, HK) posts.
I feel there should be a panel on the Home Page that shows recent Global Posts with a direct link to the TRUE Global Community.
See item 5 here Improvements requested
These https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/global are not TRUE Global Community Observations
A current Global Observations Carousel on the Home page. Perhaps including Hong Kong, Chile and Southern Africa, just Global NON-UK
quiet for 8 months…
I am prepared to keep badgering for more interest in and commitment to Global (Community) Posting but need support.
Not, specifically Hong Kong, nor Chile, nor SA - Just Global Community.
NOT the one illustrated here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/global which is the whole World - get it?
IS there any support?
To be honest, I don’t have enough time to look deeper into a number of the UK observations that I’d like to follow up as it is. Not unwilling, just struggling to fit it in.
No-one else seems very interested (but I do NOT overlook those who are). I monitor most Global Projects and frequently look towards the end of the Help-with Carousel. I don’t need additional ‘work’ so might just wind in m’neck…nuf said then…
A rare observation in France that used the UK Community Dictionary for ID.
Not long after this one the UK and Eire were ring fenced and Obs made outside the fence became a Global Community Observation https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/observation/169822/small-brown-butterfly-in-france
Gaelle Freres Observations from Zanzibar have been posted in the Southern Africa Community.
They are amazing and much work has been done to describe these observations but I think they will be lost where they are. Should they be Global? All are tagged bioblitz-S295-2020’
Any suggestions?
They are from a student on the s295 OU course, I had alerted the course team to them yesterday and they were looking for an expert who might take a look at the observations.
Lovely work - and I see they have had a number of comments and agreements.
Thanks Mike
VERY few of those using the tag bioblitz-S295-2020’ (or from previous OU bioblitzes) respond to comments, suggestions or IDs.
Seen how many OU Bioblitzers appreciate help with IDs and respond to comments?
No need to look through 7 pages (of excellent observations) the first few hold the clue…
Crazy link, sorry
I add comments to posts where I think I can be helpful. That the poster, (bioblitz or other) does not respond we need not take as a personal discouragment; my comments may, or may not, be useful to other readers. I enjoy the interaction when it occurs, but any post, comment or agreement I make enhances my own learning. That’s why I play iSpot.
Only one Global Observation has, so far, reached the Lost Observations Project.
Welcome to Cho Cho Latt in Taungoo University Myanmar this morning (GMT) and using the tag NBNconf20
Some fine Global posting going on.
Please consider looking through and supporting the Global community occasionally
It’s a beautiful bird. Here is a global mystery in return. https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/southern-africa/view/observation/818089/bladders-on-the-beach
FloS is posting from Holland, so there are opportunities for others who are not usually global trackers to help out with IDs, agreements and comments.
Keep an eye on Global
There is ALWAYS something to tickle the senses (and exotic locations)