This might be of interest. I posted a record of a bush-cricket on iRecord and got the following message:
"Many thanks for your records. The Grasshopper Recording Scheme is working towards a new atlas of grasshoppers, crickets and related species, further records most welcome. The atlas will be published as part of a new Bloomsbury Field Guide to the Grasshoppers of Britain and Ireland, illustrated by Richard Lewington. The mobile app “iRecord Grasshoppers” helps to identify species and their calls. The app currently works only for Apple devices. There are guides to common grasshoppers, crickets, earwigs and cockroaches available for download at Identification guides to grasshoppers, crickets, earwigs, cockroaches and stick-insects | Orthoptera & Allied Insects. Information on all species at To receive periodic news from the Grasshopper Recording Scheme, subscribe at Grasshoppers and Related Insects Recording Scheme. We are on Twitter as"
Great links, thanks. Trying to ID a cricket today
I usually get them wrong - they seem to come in so many shades of green and brown.
Yes, I’ve usually been wrong, too! I’ve just put one on. Have a look!
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I think you’ve got that one right!!
Relieved about that, Kenneth - several agreements!
I just had a look round our garden but couldn’t find any Orthoptera - but the sun is reluctant to come out.
My neighbour has just asked me about « lots of brown grasshopper in the garden ». So maybe this book and the guides mentioned will be useful. Unless they’ve all gone now….