iSpotters in, or visiting, the Edinburgh area might be interested in Lichen Walk .I think it’s a wonderful idea providing a way of exploring one aspect of nature in your own time with helpful guidance: a good way of blending nature and modern technology. Perhaps the idea could be extended to other places and other taxa.
Very tempting. A rail ticket would only be £195.00, plus £15 for the parking…
Cynical joking apart, it looks like a very neat idea. Wonder if there’s one more local?
yes, very nice. Surprisingly it would not me cost a lot - a return Ferry trip, which is free (four times a year) and FREE coach (not rail) travel all over Scotland. Says a LOT for the Scottish Gvt. But let’s not mention P’tics.
With a tent and some food from the local F-banks, an adventure. The whole thing would be knackering of course.
As for ‘local’ (Amdn), and ‘idea could be extended’ (Thist) it should be a condition of iSpot Membership, once you attain 4 icons, to set up local walks. Small groups of the 2022 Bioblitzers could be tasked with writing the scripts and audio guides. iSpot could be on the tips of tongues all over the Nation(s)
For those interested in the walk and who may be of limited mobility, I’m told by the walk’s “author” that it is mostly wheelchair-friendly and where that it not the case there are obvious wheelchair-accessible alternatives.
It’s a great idea, and Lucie sounds like an inspiration. It’s all about linking place and people and nature, what we all do in our different ways. Setting this up must have taken a lot of commitment and time.
I discover that - provided I book far enough ahead - I can find quite heavily-discounted fares. I’m tempted - depending on how long it’s running (and. of course, taking chances with the weather…)
In an email exchange Lucie mentioned that she is no longer in Edinburgh so I wonder if she’ll pop up with a similar idea elsewhere … perhaps near you!
web searching is generally unproductive
Or, closer to Amadan, Virtual guided walks | Nene Park Trust.
That is my field; Virtual1 is my tag, click on it
A virtual observation Trail would be easy via Streetview using iSpots close to the road.
I won’t be doing that!