How society ought to engage with nature, science, and technology

The way we engage with the natural world informs our scientific understandings and our worldviews. This is according to Advaith Siddharthan, Professor of Computer Science and Society, The Open University (OU).

Want to find out more? Join Professor Siddharthan’s Inaugural Lecture on Tuesday February 13 at 13:00 p.m. live at the OU campus or online. Entitled, How society ought to engage with nature, science and technology, Siddharthan will discuss the impacts of modern culture’s disassociation with nature and the potential for citizen science methodologies (i.e. to redress these. See more information and joining details in the iSpot news story:

Hi Janice, will the lecture be recorded at all so people can watch it at a later date? I’m away at the moment so won’t be able to join but would love to see it if possible.