I cannot find an existing Forum post to answer my question, …
I saw a Milvus milvus on M4 near Chippenham and wondered how far they are from Bristol. How can I see the distribution map of a particular species, in this case Milvus milvus, of all iSpot posts of that species?
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Observations | Map | UK and Ireland | iSpot (ispotnature.org)
Thank you Lavateraguy
I thought they were more or less everywhere in UK now, except perhaps the northern isles. Certainly very common in many places including parts of London.
Not yet regularly scavenging on the streets of Bristol. We haven’t seen them on M4 so close to Bristol before, though others may have.
20 years ago I thought it unlikely they would be in the urban area of Milton Keynes but recently saw two diving into a courtyard with very dense housing and flats all around, seemed impossible for such large birds to squeeze into the spaces without injuring their wings. They are over our allotment every day.
Good news for kites; I’ll keep my eyes open ( and maybe ask a few local birders ).
Kite follow up: I looked at the Environmental Records Centre for West of England (BRERC) and found that there are lots of Red Kite records in and around Bristol. That’s what comes of mainly looking at eye level lichens and plants, and not turning my eyes towards the heavens very often.
p.s I wasn’t doing the M4 driving.