iSpot and sensory citizen science workshops with schools: Lots of new projects in a short time

It is likely that at least 12 new projects might be produced in the near future. Each one a single quadrat at a school as part of the Sense project. The overall idea is to encourage primary age students to experience textures and potentially alter a small part of their school grounds to encourage wildlife by adding texture.
There will be a more extensive story about this but just wanted to alert the community that these new project are real and it would be good to identify the creatures found if possible even if the provided images turn out to be a bit fuzzy.

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We will do our best to support these projects. Can you send an alert when they first appear?


Great idea, involve young folks whenever we can!

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I could try to help with identification aswell when im free but I would need to know where to find them in order to help with the identifications when I can

On a similar note, Harrison School has been posting observations. Check out their tracker

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when it does we will need to know where to find the projects

so will we also be told where on i spot nature we can find them when we get the whole story cause I cant help unless I know where to find the projects when im free

Hi everyone
A bit more background: iSpot is part of a series of citizen science workshops, from June 4th – 14th 2024, with pupils and teachers’ at schools in Scotland contributing to the SENSE projectSensory Explorations of Nature in School Environments – exploring how different natural textures can support a range of wildlife. A front page story has been posted about this, see: iSpot and sensory citizen science workshops with Scottish schools | News | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature.

Hope you can help support this activity!

I am all FOR this.
Please consider a Home Page refurb with a live links Panel JUST for School projects.
Surely the X (twits) Panel can be sacrificed

A child in the SENSE video asks a question I had not considered before - why are some tree barks rough and some smooth? I’ll follow the project to see if we get an answer. More importantly, a chance to support a schools project - what’s not to like.

thanks for the information about the project. like I said earlier I cant find the observations unless there is a link to the observations to help. is there a link to the observations they have made for thr project and do you know where the link to the observations is to find the observations cause unless theres a link then I wont be able to find there observations on i spot

I can only help out until Saturday. on Saturday I will be out for the day with my family and on Sunday I will be away for a week in a different country but I need to find there observations to help with them

You can find the school projects by clicking on the ‘Explore Community’ button on the home page and then selecting ‘Projects’.

thanks for letting me know

most of the projects are empty at this rate im not going to be able to help with there observations by the weekend

Yes most of projects empty as only done two so far, others next week.

Thanks for everyone helping with the identifications.

It can be a bit tricky to say the least with the kids searching for bugs and trying to get photos of the creepy crawlies running around. This is especially true in the dense woodland areas where there is very little light for pictures or when it is raining.

I was using my camera to take the photos that have been uploaded so far but there were also some pictures taken with phones which will be uploaded if they are good enough for some kind of ID.

It looks like there will be about 4 quadrats per school so there are still some more projects to be created.

Too late and probably too complicated and fraught: but you know I could maybe have helped out given employment history, disclosure checks, interest in this stuff and relative proximity to a couple of the schools. If that takes place again, do get in touch :slight_smile: I say this as the tasks must be taking up enormous chunks of your time.

im still going to help with the projects if and when im free to. with the one next week iI can’t help with the one next week cause I will be away but like I said when im free il help with the projects in the projects if there is anything for me to help with of course cause there was nothing for me to help with this week either they were empty or already identified.

in reference to It can be a bit tricky to say the least with the kids searching for bugs and trying to get photos of the creepy crawlies running around. This is especially true in the dense woodland areas where there is very little light for pictures or when it is raining.

Iv done photography since I was 12. mainly of all sorts of things. Wildlife photography since 2019 and gone through many cameras over the years to find the one I need so I know a lot about photography in general aswell as Wildlife photography too. my advise might be able to help you with getting better pictures for the project.

when in a environment where light is low due to habitat, weather and other factors it can make your photos look dark in places like woodland aswell as cloudy days aswell it can help to increase the iso or the exposure and contrast of the image especially before you head out into woodland so you already have the right settings. or before you take a picture and you will know when its just right cause it will be brighter than before. alternatively you can also edit your photos after there taken but having the right settings ready for taking pictures can save you having to edit later on.
it can also help to lock auto focus or switch it off so that the camara doesnt change them. you can also set your camara to high frame rate and set shutter speed to 1/400 seconds.

then when you see something that move a lot. focus then keep the button pressed down to set off the shutter then it will freeze frame so that you dont get blurred images of them moving to make sure it freezes there movement in the resulting photos and get a still photo of the creature that is moving

X has now disappeared, leaving quite a space for LIVE School project LINKS, those that have begun
Someone is surely managing and monitoring this, so surely we need better guidance as to WHERE we might contribute - (please?)

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Oh I see it’s back and wasting space - nothing has been in there for months