I’ve just come across a new (to me) concept - lampenflora. These are photosynthetic organisms (cyanobacteria, algae, and even mosses and ferns) that grow where artificial lighting has been added to caves. They are a threat to cave formations, artworks, and speleofauna.
Have seen these things growing in caves for many years, probably Victorian lighting systems earliest unless mines had enough light
Interesting stuff!
Good overviews (such as https://caves.org/pub/journal/PDF/v71/cave-71-02-fullr.pdf) easy to find. One site claims that the use of specialist lighting may be able to reduce or remove the need for chemical control, but https://www.cavelighting.de/lampenflora-234.html states that “Ultimately, there are hardly any LEDs available on the market which completely avoid the growth of lampenflora”.
I’d guess that people are less concerned about lampenflora in mines; there are no natural features at risk.