I am very keen to reflect the iSpot philosophy in the Marine Blog https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/project/756895/marines-blog-promoting-marine-observations
YOU can help me make this more informative by leaving comments here - news items, ideas for inclusion (exclusion even) , illustrations, links - anything Marine and anything needing promotion. PLEASE?
Edinburgh Living Landscapes’ project: Grey to Green Shoreline
‘Greening the Grey’
I came across this article and would like to share it here. One strand of the project was to think about the shoreline as part of the infrastructure of the city and to ask the question ‘how can you green things like sea walls to make them multi-functional and provide habitat for ecology’? The answers included designing, making and installing concrete tiles for lichens to grow on. Artificial structures were also designed and deployed in the inter-tidal zone. These took the form of false rock pools (vertipods). Click on the links for more of the story: https://edinburghlivinglandscape.org.uk/2018/03/city-turned-back-sea/
Kelp Forests - Scottish Natural Heritage
This book was first published in 1999; however, the photographs and descriptions are wonderful. The online PDF is free and worth a look. Enjoy!
Well worth a few clicks Helen - thanks. Kelps is in the blog now.
Did you know you can edit your comments here? Adding material to the same comment, deleting parts. It is not easy, but possible, to delete comments altogether - should you ever wish. Near reply, look for the ‘pencil’ or Show More (for the bin)
I didn’t know about the options to edit/ delete comments - thanks.
I came across this post which needs more agreements to shift the likely ID and link to other posts. Worth flagging up on your blog?
Promoting URCHINS (Echinozoa)
Take a look a ChrisMcA’s lead picture in the new Marine Blog
I remain keen to read you ideas for inclusion - PLEASE?
A grumpy turtle, an ocean wanderer and a rainbowologist have written a book to explain why plastic is a serious problem in our oceans and seas, and what we can do to help. The photographs are fabulous and the messages are clear. The link is via the Inner Forth Landscape Initiative’s Facebook page.
That’s nice, thanks. The pdf is huge (long download) so I won’t put the link in the Blog; lovely whales…
Marine stuff another UPDATE
This type of project is not easy work. But I believe it might be nice for someone in particularly in the Plant and Fungus world to do something similar but better. I’d help with support and ideas (if needed)
If mine is to survive beyond the next issue, I need contributions from others - links to Marine News, perhaps a specially good observation, or a suggestion about profiling an Organism, even a User.
And, in particular and separately, I’d like to see this Forum used more as a platform for News and Education (as well as Site problems and announcements).
@miked. Can this whole Forum be Archived and accessible (as history)? Then a new one devised with STRONG indexed headings - News items, Regions, each Group (Inverts, Fish etc)
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. If anyone is in Edinburgh this exhibition about Edinburgh’s Shoreline may be of interest. More information here:
Thanks - another, with some nice videos
The videos are lovely - thanks
This crab was in mike’s other organism project and thanks to my general identification it is now an invertebrate…
Interesting information about uk shells, here:
The most recent post on this Facebook page is about a proposal to mechanically wild harvest L hyperborea from the West of Scotland and includes links to the scoping report and an earlier report. Link:
Yes, a valuable Head’s-up Helen thanks.
Not everyone will be able access the FB link, so here’s the place and the ‘man’
The Scoping report is here http://marine.gov.scot/sites/default/files/r3007_wild_seaweed_harvesting_scoping_report_17july2018lr_0.pdf
Here is the sustainable way! ASMR underwater sounds of a diver Harvesting Kelp from the Atlantic Ocean - YouTube
Here is a highly critical appraisal of mechanical harvesting Ban Seaweed harvesting. - YouTube
And here - three ‘interesting’ videos https://www.sams.ac.uk/facilities/seaweed-farms/
Glad you found it interesting. I came across this recent jellyfish observation with a YouTube link. Something good to come out off the Moth Pit!
I’ve favourited about twenty marine posts from the Invertebrates without a Likely Identification project. Is it best to promote them here or should I start a new Forum topic? Thanks for identifying the ones I’ve flagged up via your tracked changes.