More marmorations in the undergrowth

As the text notes, not the first: see (Pentatomidae) Halyomorpha halys
If you are as ignorant as I (surely not):
Marmorated (medical): veined or streaked like marble”

There an arum cultivar by that name - Arum italicum ‘Marmoratum’

I asked GBIF Search
Those without maps (some with) or without records are probably unused Synonyms
The galleries are useful.

Here is some news of bats that is not welcome, but, in these days, not unsurprising.Uncertain future for Bechstein’s bat colony in Hampshire | Conservation | The Guardian

Bats are the new Great Crested Newts around here. The local squire complains that he has had to pay “experts” “shed loads of money” to come and study his colony, to ensure that they are being kept in the luxury they deserve. I thought of trying to find out exactly who the experts were, and what they were really doing, but I lost the will to live.

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I know the feeling…