Moths & Butterflies with good enough photos for ID, please

There are lots and lots of unidentified posts and it takes time to find the ones which might be identifiable. I’ve therefore selected some of the more recent observations from the ‘Marking Moths’ project. They all have at least one clear photograph. None have a likely identification. Have a look and see if you can help.

15 September 2018 - UPDATE

Almost all of the twenty observations included now have a likely identification. The few that didn’t have been transferred to The Moth Project.

Many thanks to all the iSpotters who contributed their time and expertise.

Oh well done Helen - extracting lepidoptera from the project is no easy matter
Marking moths is really a collection of ALL UN-identified Inverts. My aims was to find the UN-IDd moths and mark them
Please look at the project (over eleven THOUSAND Inverts) and give US some support - the long term aim would be to CLEAR the backlog by deletion or IDing
Here is the project - Which I will UN publish 20th Sept
currently showing only 2 year’s worth but I am changing the date window regularly.
I have found a way of marking and listing, using the Species Dictionary
See this
Test-marked for deletion

I’ve removed the observations from this thread and updated the introduction. Almost all the observations were identified and four were transferred to The Moth Project. Thank you to everyone who helped.