Naturespot expired?

Has the Naturespot website closed down does anyone know? I keep getting taken to a page that says it has expired and is parked. Such a shame if so as for someone like me without huge amounts of scientific knowledge it was so useful.

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As with another site recently this may just be because someone has forgotten to pay for the domain or the hosting.
I have been paying for these kinds of items for my own personal website (nothing to do with ispot) for very many years and it is not cheap especially as I don’t make any money from it anymore. However I do ‘negotiate’ with the hosting company each year and normally get a substantial reduction as the site is not much used. Possibly they should try that if it is getting too expensive.


Yes, I saw this yesterday. I think they’ve not paid as @miked says.
I don’t know who funds NatureSpot but it’s a very useful site (even if a lot of the content is ‘borrowed’ from other sites).


I have their email address from a while back: have notified them (adding “I expect you know


Thanks - that’s very helpful.

But it looks like the e-mail is “down”, too.


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Ah ha!


Brilliant - thank you!

Thx for asking the question, Luisa - I was getting a bit desperate myself! And thank you to the detectives :slight_smile:

2 Likes (another sometimes useful site) is now returning domain not found.

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Possibly website providers are increasing their fees substantially and sites are moving. This has happened to me a couple of times, massive increase in fees, but have negotiated lower fee rather than moving.

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