Wikipedia has this, not entirely comforting, information. " The mechanical bite from an adult S. nobilis is usually painless. It is the release of venom that causes the intense pain commonly reported". Steatoda nobilis - Wikipedia
Yes, I noticed that…. but then this is The Gurniad whose journalists often get their spelling wrong and have minimal mathematical skills to boot (percent or percentage points anyone?)
However… they have included a couple of photos from Ecosphere that “show and tell” the real web structure.
Unless we want to write and tell them and wait for an erratum…
Annoying though, isn’t it.
Vultures were shot, along with other ‘ vermin’ and the Bearded Vulture was almost exterminated in France where only a few pairs remained in the Pyrenees and Corsica and it disappeared from Switzerland around 1890.
There’s an annual vulture count in French Alpes each August.