I think “a few hours” is too many hours if there’s very little feedback. It’s brilliant that you’ve done it today, August 1st and hopefully it’ll be on the Home page soon. Your final sentence is pertinent.
Hi folks, I had previously offered to do August if the site issues were fixed which they seem to be, thank goodness. However, I have to be honest and say I really don’t relish the thought if there isn’t much interest, especially as it would definitely take me several hours because i’d want to do it justice - albeit I would just be picking my favourite, giving some rationale and mentioning a few contenders. However, given that I only use either an iPad or iPhone and I’m not the best at IT, even just reading through them all would take me a very long time. I’m therefore a bit with Dejay in that perhaps we should rest it for a bit as the interest sadly doesn’t seem to be there - apart from with the core group of regular iSpotters. Alternatively, I could perhaps do observation of the week - maybe from Saturday 24th - Saturday 31st August? That would incorporate the bank holiday so give people who work the extra opportunity to observe and time to upload them. That would certainly be far less time consuming for me and then if there wasn’t much engagement, at least I wouldn’t have spent too much time doing it. Let me know your thoughts. L.
There is interest in observation of the month but perhaps not enough to justify the effort especially in busy summer months.
Perhaps a very active forum which anyone can put in observations they think are particularly notable (i.e would be considered for observation of the month). I know there are already threads that do this kind of thing so either continue one of those or start a new one.
The advantage of this would be that anyone could put anything in at any time and when looking at the forum thread you should go directly to unread items. Disadvantage of course is that the items are not organised or collated in any way.
Any other ideas?
I’m more than happy to do that - I could just call it Favourites August 2024?
there is already a Thread Favourites 2024. (the 2019 version IS worth a look) But it does not have a great following. 7 clicks (for the most recent ones) is only five other users.