Online events of interest

Free online lecture: What Does Conservation Do? A Story Told With Voles

Monday 9 September 2024

18:00 BST

During this online lecture, Tom Moorhouse, ecologist and author, will introduce you to the wonderful world of water voles, and the conservation challenges they face in Britain.

Through his own work, he will explain what conservation research actually does, why it hasn’t yet achieved the outcomes we all want and need - and why he still has hope for wildlife and our collective future.

Register now >

This lecture is part of the part-time PGCert in Ecological Survey Techniques programme at Oxford University’s Department for Continuing Education.


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Also, a free event re Earthworms: is the place to look!

There are, of course, on Youtube lots of recordings of past webinars. This one might be of interest. (Moth identification tips from an authority.)