Question re: honey bees' and wasps' nests


I’d be grateful if someone could give me some advice re: a couple of nests we’ve discovered recently. We live in a bungalow and have wasps nesting in one of the ventilation spaces right at the bottom of the wall - in the brick. (I think they’re German Wasps but they could also be Common Wasps - I haven’t got close enough for a proper identification). Today, we’ve also seen Honey Bees going into another of these ventilation spaces - presumably another nest?

I’d just like to know whether these insects would be doing any damage to the property by nesting there or would they just be taking their own nesting material in to fill up the cavity. Also, if we don’t disturb them and just leave them to their own devices, are they likely to sting us?


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Welcome here Annabelle I tracked you down in the main site
It might be best to talk to someone here
Such people are usually very keen to help and educate, even at weekends. there are names, numbers and email addresses - unusually!
here’s another

Hi and thanks for your reply. The bees stayed for a couple of days and then moved of their own accord - perhaps they decided the space was too small for a nest or perhaps they didn’t want to be too close to the wasps! The wasps seem to be thriving - I watch them from a safe distance every day and there’s always loads of activity. Yesterday I saw some of them drinking water from our pond.