Wondering if it’s acceptable to post observations from a few years ago or whether the protocol is generally to keep to the now… Have tried a forum search for a similar query to find the answer but no luck.
Since I’ve had my garden, some flora and fauna have come and gone or just passed through. I know some of my ids are likely to be off and confirmation would be good. For example, is my four-spotted chaser really a broad-bodied chaser? This was seen 2016.
Ta, Jane
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Certainly it is fine to add older photos. The only snag is that iSpot doesn’t accept dates before a certain year, I think about 1970.
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Thanks, John! And just a few years is plenty
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I do think old photos can be very valuable.
I think it is worth a note in Description when we add old photos
When researching, I sometimes make the mistake of assuming the sightings are not long before the Observation. There are quite a few Observations with very old scanned photos but with a current date
Can’t find one just now!
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Good point, Derek and I have done this now. J