Sharing new ideas

@Rachel_R @JoC
Two observations which you may find interesting (beaing in mind that my identifications are based on the info I’ve provided).
They look like two different species - but the season makes all the difference.
Not the same plant, but they are quite plentiful in the area.
Flowering in September 2011

In November the leaves have dropped off and the flowers are over.

I’ve added quite a poor picture, here - but one that shows shells (land and sea) in the sand - this spot is one that probably gets flooded at very high tides and winter storms.
Wonder if you’ll agree with my concluded ID.

I’m hoping to find pics where there are fruit.

I spotted just now that I’d missed this at the end of last year…

Good pair of posts, full of info and I will return to agree both.

All the links useful to that end; this is an informative site from which I’ve copied a couple of phrases and comments.

“This euphorbia is sometimes the host plant for Hydnora africana the parasitic plant commonly known as jakkalskos (jackal’s food).” Red List gives Jackal’s food as the common name of the Euphorbia. Threatened Species Programme | SANBI Red List of South African Plants

It’s why I don’t use common names.

E. mauritanica may cause a fatal nervous disorder in sheep, characterized by muscle tremors, foaming at the mouth, bloating, diarrhoea and fever………gardeners like it for being colourful and drought resistant.”

Well I guess it keeps sheep out of the garden too.

Sheep farming in the Karoo @JoC -
In the Langebaan lagoon area I don’t think they ever farmed sheep - they grazed cattle on the marshes before the Parks Board took over the management of the land.
We saw signs (footprints) of jackal/bat-eared fox (not quite sure which) on the beach at Kraal Baai some mornings (we spent some holiday time on a yacht there - pre Parks takeover).
We thought the predators came after the birds at night.
The Rooi-kat got all the chickens at Stofbergsfontein. So sad when the cockerel was taken - we loved hearing his early morning call - couldn’t find a picture but this shows where he was housed at night,

Also interesting jackal v rooikat - well known saying ’ 'n Boer maak ‘n Plan’ A farmer makes a plan.

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Another fascinating reflection on how to to farm successfully…using natural, if unexpected, approaches seems to have been effective. The use of one carnivore faeces to deter another conifer… and buying in bulk & keeping the faeces seems so sensible; I guess they bought a special freezer for them.

Suspect that does not occur here in UK where cats and foxes coexist in gardens although often at different times of day.

Farmers I knew generally had any number of freezers and walk in fridges.
Wondering if you know of redbait here. It has a terrible smell and the fishing-friends I knew always had a special deepfreeze for it.

@JoC @Rachel_R
I found the picture of our rooster and enjoyed Prix’s comments - of their animals

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