Something for the weekend

The Wildlife Information Centre “Circle of Life” Autumn Conference 2021 is running this weekend, Saturday 20th - Sunday 21st November, 10am -1pm, and it’s the final chance to register! Booking deadline extended to 9am tomorrow morning. Includes a series of talks around “The Circle of Life” theme, focusing on life cycles and the importance of recording different life stages. It’s a smashing line up of talks planned including Cynipid Galls on Oak - Sex and Violence in a Nutshell, Ancient & Veteran Trees, Around the Year in Eighty Roosts, and recording of early stages of several insect groups, such as butterflies, dragonflies & moths.

Thanks Rachel for the head’s up

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Yes, thanks. Only just got to this and too late and I am overcommitted as usual. Delighted to note two people I know in there!!! Can you keep us informed of the/a recording of the event becoming available? Thanks!

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No worries. The talks so far have all been fantastic on both days so well worth checking out. I posted this one up much earlier on our frontpage News Story Autumn to Winter 2021 Final Countdown which ran through interesting events talks coming up for November/December. I believe the recordings will be loaded onto the TWIC YouTube Channel later, so if you subscribe you can get notifications of new uploads as they come in: [TWIC YouTube Channel](Link here: :slight_smile: