Testing editing capabilities (edited a 4th time)

The question has arisen as to whether a thread title can be edited. Experiment here finds that it can be, if the editing capability on the first message hasn’t been disabled (either after a period of time, or because it has replies).

It turns out that you can also move the thread from one category to another.

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Further testing: I am replying; can you still EDIT the title?

Yes. Looks like the only restrictions are time-related. But did you reply to the thread, or to the post?

This one is to your post.

I think ( mea culpa, should have noted it, I realise) the first response was a general post.

It’s still editable.

It’s not clear how you replied from the thread display, but my notifications show your second reply as a reply, and don’t show your first reply.

(This is still editable.)

Further testing: this is a reply using the blue tab at the base of this forum.

This is a reply using the grey reply button on the bottom right of your comment and includes your quote on that post.

It looks as if there is just the time limitation.

That’s useful information.
Now to find out the time limit.
I wonder if it is the same for editing comments AND for editing titles.

As of today; comments: 1stDec I can’t edit.
16th Dec I can edit. I’ll watch that & report in due course.
Unless someone from HO supplies the answers first, of course.


I thought these may be helpful to your tests

That’s a 24 hour limit for newer users (trust levels 0 and 1). Both Jo and myself are trust level 2 (Member), so there’s probably another setting that applies to us.

Ah, missed it in the 2nd screenshot. This one is for tl2

43,200 minutes = 30 days. That probably fits with Jo’s experiments. Ta.

16th Jan 2025. Today I have lost Editing option for the 16th Dec post. That fits, give or take a few seconds…
My Guardian link Toadstool with teeth forum post on 19th Dec in In News General from 2023: I just editied it to see if it resets editing possibilities for another 43, 200 seconds.
20th Jan2025. The answer is NO, it doesn’t reset; I can no longer EDIT that post.

Oh (late as usual). (I) have always considered that editing or removing a post as simple. After about a month you (I) cannot do either. I commonly creep in and remove the Display-whole feature (that is remove the photo but leave the link). I have been doing that for a few years and will do it here, (below) tomorrow.
I have edited a New Thread title a number of times but rarely after a week has elapsed. I am wondering whether we need to pay more attention, do we need to?. It’s my belief that we should (ought) not edit anything ‘strategic’ once there is a response. But I often try to correct my typos weeks later!
Here is a link that displays the photo. I will creep in an remove the illustration and leave the link Please support Helen
EDIT removed preview (a promised)

Is from the lead post here. Notice (I’m certain you have) that after about 3.9 minutes, your edit number is shown. That is to say, you have about 4 mins to do what you like, after which the number appears. I am REALLY sorry if this is obvious to everyone but I commonly use it right up to the limit and obviously beyond. I will now edit this 5 times in 3 mins, none will be shown (maybe!)

And, did you know that when the Edit Number is RED (how long for?) we can see your most recent Edit. That might make us careful what we write!

This bit is added after 10 mins, so should show as an Edit
Go here - I can see the Edit icon after 6 weeks

Clicking it reveals