The wonder of iSpot

We spend a lot of time detailing the various gremlin activities that plague us, but it is sometimes worthwhile to stand back a bit. Two particular recent delights (for me):

We are so lucky to have such a diversity of skills contributing to the site.
[Edit - for some reason, the last word ‘got lost’: possibly because of an intermittent internet connection at the time.]


You look as if you forgot to finish the post! But I totally agree.
I find it amazing that I can post all sorts of photos, not all brilliant, and get and ID for many of them.
My third point would be:

  • A friendly community who don’t pour scorn on my sometimes bizarre ID attempts - everyone has been so supportive of each other, which is a model of how any community ought to be!
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I have no idea why the last word or two failed to ‘take’ - I had trouble with the text entry, but I don’t know if it was Gremlins, or a dodgy internet connection.
Good addition, by the way.

[a very apposite comment. quote=“Surreybirder, post:2, topic:1822”]
A friendly community who don’t pour scorn on my sometimes bizarre ID attempts - everyone has been so supportive of each other, which is a model of how any community ought to be!

I couldn’t agree more. It is very easy just to see the negatives sometimes (I have a tendency to pessimism!) but I for one have learnt more than I would have though possible from everyone I have interacted with on iSpot. I particularly love the comments section. The contributions that people add there can lead to hours of absorbing investigation (easy to call it ‘wasted time’, but it rarely is). And then there are the jokes, and the references to books and people and music and all sorts of other things. It’s a rare day when I feel so gloomy that iSpot can’t cheer me up!