Really Ladies and Gents, I know things aren’t going great, technically speaking, with iSpot. There’s a ton of programming that needs to be done and a million bugs and other issues that need to be ironed out! I get it.
But could I just appeal to my fellow iSpot users to show some dedication and spirit? At the end of the day, its not all the fancy gimmicks, functionality and conveniences of the site that keep iSpot alive, its the USERS. The people who post pics of observations, the people who comment on them/ give them I.D’s, and even the people who just post on the forum. THOSE are what:
a) Keep iSpot going
b) Facilitate the education of amateurs such as myself on all matters and aspects natural
It’s dark days indeed for iSpot when I’m finding that Facebook groups are a better way to go in terms of getting I.D’s and information about a particular sighting/species than iSpot! Sure, Facebook isn’t a a digitized herbarium/ museum the way iSpot is, and sure, the amateur to expert ratio on FB is a bit higher in favour of amateurs, but the people on FB atleast have something which, more often, I find lacking in the average iSpot user — PASSION!
I actually came to iSpot after VMUS (Virtual Museum, run by the Animal Demographics Unit at UCT) and most of its associated, ‘amateur-science’ based mapping projects, started being neglected. I was increasingly finding that a good number of my observations were not being assessed anymore by anyone, and so I left. I know the reasons for (what I believe to be) the downfall of VMUS are entirely different to whats going on with iSpot at the moment, but nonetheless, I really feel like iSpot is still heading in the same direction.
Fewer and fewer of my observations on iSpot are getting looked at (although I know site functionality does play a significant role here, it is not the only role), and every other comment I see on the forums is someone saying that iSpot is doomed, that they’ve lost interest in posting on iSpot, and that they’re moving on. iSpot, I feel, is just becoming more and more barren
Please everyone, all I ask is that you fight the good fight and be PASSIONATE about what iSpot is all about! I’m sure iSpot’s technical issues will get sorted out at some stage. Until then, just stay strong, stay dedicated!